Chapter 30

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5 Months Later

"Okay... Mum how do I look?"

I turned away from the mirror to face my mum. As I looked at me tears were welling up in her eyes, and she was almost about to make me cry.

"Mum please don't cry, or I'll cry."

"No, you're right. I'll pull myself together."

She wiped her eyes carefully so she wouldn't smudge any of her make up. As she walked over to me she reached for my tie and straightened it.

"You look amazing love..."

She kissed my cheek and I turned around to look in the mirror again.

I was wearing a black suit with a white vest and lavender colored tie. I smiled to myself realizing that today was the day. I was getting married.

I was standing in one of the back rooms of the church with my family, Liam and Zayn. We were all putting the finishing touches of our outfits and waiting till the time came for us to start.

The last five months Harry and I allowed our mothers to take over wedding planning completely. Anne got the restaurant she used to work at to cater for us, which was great. Our mums planned everything to the last detail which Harry and I greatly appreciated because we had no clue what we were doing.

"So everything in the church is ready?" I asked.

Liam and Zayn turned to me nodding their heads.

"Don't worry Lou, we were just in there and everything is perfect." Liam said.

I nodded my head and started pacing the floor hoping everything was going to be okay. I was making a mental checklist of everything I needed, hoping I hadn't forgotten anything.


I turned to my dad and he grabbed my shoulder keeping me in place. He looked at me with a soft smile before pulling me in for a hug.

"Everything will be fine, okay?"

I nodded against him and he released the hug, gripping my shoulders gently.

I knew everything was going to be okay, that didn't stop me from worrying. I was grateful for everything that everyone was doing for me to calm me down.

"Louis, it's time."

I looked over to Liam who had Zayns hand in his and I smiled over at them.

"Alright, let's go get married." I said clapping my hands together and walking towards the door.


I walked through the front of the church doors and saw all of our family and friends seated. I looked down the aisle and saw that it had been decorated with a white runner. There were purple flowers and ribbons hanging off of the church benches, and green vines that hung over white fabric to connect all of the benches together.

Harry and I had agreed that he would walk down the aisle with his mum while I waited for him at the alter. I couldn't wait for him to walk in here and see how beautiful it was.

I started walking down the aisle and said hello to some of my family as I made my way down to the alter. 

Once I got to the alter I let out a deep breath and crossed my hands in front of me. Zayn and Liam greeted me as they stood in their positions as my groomsmen. I shifted on my feet and kept my eyes to the floor as I tried to steady my breathing. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and I tried to stay calm, but was failing miserably. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Zayn giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back softly and relaxed a bit. 

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