Chapter 53

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I was sitting in the nursery around 7 am with Hayden in my arms, trying to burp him after his feeding when my cell phone started ringing.

I shifted Hayden so he was laying on my bare chest and I reached into my shorts pocket to get my phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Louis it's Ed from the studio. We were wondering if you could come in today because we just wanted to pitch an idea to you about a new movie the studio is working on. I know you still have two weeks off, but you can do this at home if it's okay with you."

"Uhm yeah that should be fine. Right now I'm finishing up feeding  my son so I can probably be in, in about a half hour. What kind of composition are we talking about?" I asked, trying to balance Hayden on my chest and keep the phone steady near my ear.

"We need you to do a full orchestral piece. Well pieces. We want you to do the whole movie composition rather than just one song. When you get to the studio we'll tell you more."

"Alright, I'll get there soon."

"Great, how's Harry doing?"

"He's good, he should be getting the boot off of his leg in about a week, and he's been great with the babies so I can't complain." I said smiling into the phone.

"Good, good. Well I'll see you at the studio soon."

"Yeah, bye Ed."

I hung up the phone and turned my attention back to Hayden who was awake just looking up at me with the same clear blue eyes I have.

"Alright buddy let's go see if dad is awake."

I got off the rocking chair and looked in Sophia's crib really quick to make sure she was still sleeping. When I saw that she was I walked out of the nursery with Hayden in my arms and I headed towards Harry's and my bedroom.

I walked in and saw Harry sleeping in the bed, his arms and legs completely spread out.

I walked over to him and rubbed his bare back gently with my free arm.

"Harry... Babe wake up."

I saw him open his eyes slowly and yawn as he stretched awake. I smiled to myself as I loved watching him do this now because Hayden does the same exact thing.

"Is something wrong?" Harry asked looking up at me.

"No, I was just called into work because they need to talk to me about a coupled pieces for a movie."

"We still have two weeks off I thought." He said as he sat up.

"We do, I can do the piece at home, I just need to go into the studio and talk to them about it. I'll be gone thirty, forty five minutes tops."

"Okay, are you going now?"

"Yeah, I just fed and burped Hayden so he should be good, but Soph is still sleeping so she'll need to be changed and fed."

Harry smiled at me before taking Hayden out of my arms so I could get dressed.

"Look at you... You're like Mr. Mom." He said as he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him quickly before moving over to the dresser to find a shirt.


I walked through the front door after going to work and Mason greeted me as I walked through the foyer.

"Hey buddy." I said as I placed my workbag on the floor.

I knelt down on my knees and pet Mason as he tried jumping up on me.

"Easy bud." I said as I chuckled to myself.

I pushed him down as I stood up and looked around the foyer quickly, noticing it was strangely quiet.

"Harry?" I yelled.

I walked into the living room and saw Hayden in his rocker and Harry was laying on the couch fast asleep with Sophia on his chest. The rocker was right next to the couch where Harry was sleeping and Harry had his hand near Hayden as Hayden held onto one of Harry's fingers in his little fist. Soph was sleeping on his chest and Harry had his free hand on Soph's back protectively.

I smiled at the scene in front of me and took out my phone to take a picture. Once I took the picture I walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast for Harry and myself, figuring he hadn't eaten yet.

I pulled out two mugs for tea and some eggs and bacon. I threw the eggs and bacon into pans on the stove and as they cooked I put water in the kettle to eat up the water.

Once the eggs and bacon were cooked I poured the hot water into the mugs and carried it out to the living room on a tray and set the tray on the coffee table.

I moved over to Harry and smiled down at him before leaning in and kissing his lips sweetly. A moment later I felt him kiss me back and I knew he was awake.

I broke the kiss and smiled down at him and he returned it with a dimpled grin.

"Good morning." I said to him.

"I didn't realize I had fallen asleep." He said to me as he chuckled.

"Looks like all three of you did. I made you some breakfast and tea because I figured you haven't eaten yet."

I reached down and grabbed Soph off of Harry's chest as he tried to sit up. I held her against my chest and placed my hand on the back of her head. Harry leaned down to take his finger out of Hayden's grasp without waking him up as I placed Soph into her rocker.

Harry sat up on the couch and grabbed his plate as I walked over to sit next to him.

He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently before leaning in and kissing me.

"Thank you for making breakfast, and getting up with Hayden this morning."

"No problem love." I said with a smile.

I picked up my own plate and started eating, looking over at the babies every few minutes.

"So what did they talk to you about at the studio?" Harry asked, looking over at me.

"Oh, instead of doing just one composition they want me to do all the compositions for one movie."

"Wow... That's a lot though. This is for a new animated movie they're working on?"

"Yeah, it's a musical cartoon, I think they're calling it Frozen."

"Hm, alright. Are you going to do it?"

"Yeah, I already have a couple of ideas, and I think you'll be the one who records and edits it. So the dream team is back in action." I said smiling at him.

He chuckled as he put another piece of egg into his mouth. "Just remember if you get frustrated take a break.... When are all of the pieces due?"

"I have about three months, so it shouldn't be too bad to work out."

"I don't know..." Harry said as he was looking at the babies. "With these two we might have our hands full."

I smiled at him before looking at our sleeping babies in their rockers.

"That's okay. I can handle a couple of monsters." I said before leaning in and kissing him gently.

"They're not monsters." Harry said, chuckling at me.

I smiled at him before I spoke. "I meant you."

He laughed to himself as we continued eating our breakfast enjoying the company of our sleeping kids.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now