Chapter 49

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I woke up to a pair of lips connected to mine. I kissed back and I felt Harry breath hard onto me.

"Well that's one way to wake up." I said as I rubbed his bare chest as he was hovering over me.

He smiled at me one more time before leaning back down to me and connecting our lips again.

"Happy one year anniversary." He said to me when he broke the kiss.

I smiled up at him and brought my hand up to comb my fingers through his hair. "Happy one year anniversary love."

"I already made breakfast and it's waiting for us down stairs. Now I was thinking breakfast in the hot tub, lunch in the park and I have a little surprise for dinner."

"Sounds perfect babe. But you know how I am with surprises though..."

"Trust me you'll like this one." He said smiling down at me.

Harry and I ate breakfast in the hot tub and we stayed in there for maybe an hour and a half before getting out and realizing we looked all wrinkled. Before lunch we spent the day outside with Mason, playing in the backyard, and tanning out by the pool.

When it was time for lunch Harry packed a picnic for us and I put Mason on his leash. We climbed into the car and Harry insisted on driving even though his leg was still in the cast.

When we got to the park I realized which park we were at and a soft smile came to my face as I looked around.

"Harry are we...?"

"The same park I took you to on our first date? Yes." He smiled over at me as he grabbed the basket from the backseat and I grabbed Mason.

Harry was having trouble with his crutches and the basket so I took it from him as we walked.

We made our way on the same path that we took on our first date, up the hill to the cherry blossom tree and bench that we sat at where we had our first kiss. We sat down at that same bench and ate our lunch with Mason laying down next to us in the shade.

I looked around the park as I was tucked into Harry's side on the bench and smiled to myself. This was just like our first date and the flashback only made my smile grow as I looked over at Harry who did but at the same time didn't changed since the day I met him.

When Harry and I got back to the house with Mason Liam and Zayn were they’re waiting for us.

"Hey boys, what are you doing here?" I asked as I saw them.

"Nothing." Zayn shrugged.

"Okay..." I looked over at Harry who just handed Mason's leash to Liam and grabbed my hand.

"C'mon babe we need to go." Harry said tugging my hand.

"We just got back. Go where?" I asked turning to him.

"Just, somewhere." He said smiling at me.

He turned on his crutches and started walking towards the door and to the car. I looked between Harry and Liam and Zayn before just following Harry out of the house and to the car.

"Harry just tell me where we're going so I can drive."

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'.

I rolled my eyes before walking over to the passenger side of the car and getting in.

"Here, put this on." He said as he passed me a blindfold.


"Just put it on Lou!" He said smiling at me.

I put the blindfold on and impatiently waited until I could take it off. I think we were driving for about 20 minutes before I felt the car turn off.

"Alright Lou, you can take it off."

I took off the blindfold and my eyes adjusted to the light as I looked around.

"...Are we at the train station?" I asked looking over at him.

"Yeah!" He said excitedly.

I looked at him quizzically for a second and he pulled out two tickets from his pocket.

"We're going to Paris?!" I said as I looked at the ticket.

"Yeah! Our train is in 45 minutes and it's only a two hour ride!"

"Oh my gosh, Harry!!" I said as I leaped forward and hugged him tightly.

"We get to spend the weekend. I thought it would be nice to go on a little vacation before the babies were born."

"God, I love you so much." I said as I leaned in to kiss him.

"Love you too babe." Harry said against my lips.

Harry opened the trunk and he had two packed bags ready to go.

Harry and I spent the weekend in Paris sight seeing and eating out to amazing restaurants and then going back to our hotel. By the end of the weekend Harry and I both had very sore bums. On the train home it wasn't too pleasant but I got to spend our year anniversary weekend in Paris France with my husband so I didn't mind much.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz