Chapter 21

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"Harry, we're in the perfect spot, stop trying to get closer!"

It was hard to hear over the crowd. It was about 11:50 pm and Harry kept wanting to get closer and closer to the stage that was in front of the ball drop.

We got there about 5 pm and the crowds were already huge. Harry had managed to weasel us through the crowd to get as close as we could to the stage that was closest to the ball. 

We listened to singers perform all night and as the sky got darker the stages lit up in exciting colors. Times Square had never seemed so busy. Everyone was cheering as the year was coming to a close with 10 minutes left.

Bright lights were everywhere you looked and somewhere on one of the many stages a different artist than the last was performing.

The excitement in the air was contagious and when it came to be 11:55 I could barely control myself.

Harry was holing me close, wrapping an arm around my waist to shield us from the cold winter night.

As I looked around I couldn't help but be reminded of the movie New Years Eve. Obviously taking place in New York City in Times Square. The thing that reminded me of it was the magic that was in the air. The amount of hope that everyone seemed to carry with them as the New Year approached.

A woman in her early 40's stepped onto the stage and began to talk. The crowd's noise going down to a small murmur as she began to speak.

"Let's be reminded that before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves to great adventure, or closed ourselves off for the fear of getting hurt. Cause that's what the New Year is all about, getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about that 'what if' and start embracing the what will be. So when the ball drops at midnight, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long."

The crowd burst into a roaring applause, and I looked over to Harry who was smiling wildly down at me. I just looked at him with a fond expression and a small smile played at my lips.

I still couldn't believe that someone like him, could ever love someone like me. Someone so genuinely nice and forgiving. Someone who would stop what they were doing immediately just to help you with the smallest favor. I couldn't believe it... I couldn't believe that I had him.

"1 more minute Lou!!" Harry said as he bounced up and down.

We watched the clock as it counted down, the excitement in the air growing as the seconds passed. The ball was making it's decent and the crowd was cheering so loud it was almost deafening.

Harry and I began chanting with the crowd.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" We screamed together.

Confetti fell from above as Harry grabbed the back of my head, and gripped my lower back pulling me towards him and connecting our lips into a deep kiss. I knew this kiss was not a kiss full of want or need. No, this was a kiss that was filled with love. It passed along the message that this is our new beginning. Forget and forgive the past because none of it mattered anymore.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now