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Josiah (!!!!!!) <gonna start heavily introducing the boys' povs in this book.... ;))>

"You guys, please be safe."

"Abuela, we'll be fine," Fred said, "if anything happens, we'll call you."

"Val, I don't feel safe letting them wander around here by themselves-"

"Luciana," he said, "let them. They're nearly sixteen."

She let out a sigh, toggling her gaze between Fred and I. "Promise to call if anything goes wrong, and I mean anything."

"We promise," I said, "you two go have fun, we'll catch back up in a few hours."

They went off on their way and Fred just let out a sigh of relief. "Time to find girls."

I heard my phone chime for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour and he just looked over at me. "Who the hell keeps blowing your phone up?"

I pulled it out of my pocket and shook my head. "I-it's Lacey. She doesn't want to leave me alone."

"Tell Lacey you're tired of her company," Fred said.

"Bro," I said, looking over at him.

"What? Sometimes you just have to break it to them," he said, "in the most blunt way possible."

"Hmm," I said, looking down at my phone.

I tried typing out a message, but I was absolutely unaware of what to say. Lacey and I weren't together, she was just a friend of mine but she felt the need to make it feel like we were together.

"Hey, one o'clock, hot girls."

I looked up from my phone and furrowed my brows, grinning as soon as my eyes landed on two girls.

"Come on, bro," Fred said.

I looked down at my phone one last time and pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"I call the one on the right," Fred said.

"Hey, I'm older, I call," I said, giving his arm a good shove.

"Yeah, by twenty seconds," he said, "so technically, it's not that big of a deal."

"Okay, but twenty seconds is twenty seconds," I said, "I'm older."

The girls just giggled and Fred smiled, flexing his jaw muscle. "You're welcome for that argument."

"Fuck you."

He laughed and the girls made their ways over to us. They seemed to be friends rather than related.

"You guys from here?" They asked, cocking their heads over. They both twirled a chunk of hair around their finger and Fred just cocked an eyebrow up.

"Are you guys from here?" Fred asked.

"Reverse psychology," one of them said, nodding with a smile, "I like your concept. But yeah, we're from here."

"Then damn, we wish we were," Fred said, shooting her his signature charming smile.

They giggled the typical teenage girl giggle, looking down. I trailed my eyes down the girl in front of me. "You guys free for lunch?"

"Yeah," they both said, nodding, "let's go."

Fred winked at me and they began walking, making Fred and I instinctively trail our eyes down their bodies.

"Damn!" Fred exclaimed, "holy shit, okay."

I just chuckled, sucking in a breath as I watched them walk.

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