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*PLEASE dont skip the note on this chapter! it's super important, you'll be very very VERY confused if you skip the note. explains why the boys are SIXTEEN, not fifteen.. you'll understand!*


"Be cool about it."

"Dad, we get it," Fred said, "we're going to make it absolutely unnoticeable that this is our first high school party."

"Oh, and I know your mother said no excessive drinking," he said, "so please keep it to a minimum."

I just smiled. Dad was definitely more understanding than Mom was. Only guys definitely understood guys, Mom wasn't a guy, so she didn't get it.

"I bet you and Adora have fun plans," Fred said, grinning at Dad.

"Not your business," he said, turning into the driveway of the house where the party was being held.

Fred just chuckled and nudged my shoulder.

"You guys," Dad said, putting the car in park, "don't do anything reckless, please."

"We won't," I said, "promise."

I reached for the door handle but he stopped me, his eyes closed. I could tell he was uncomfortable about whatever was about to come out of his mouth next.

"You guys know about bedroom etiquette," he said, making Fred laugh.

"Dad, we know about all that. It probably won't even happen tonight, anyways. We're here to have a good time."

"Okay, well if it was to happen," he said, nodding.

"Thanks for the ride," I said, smiling as I grabbed the door handle.

Fred and I stepped out of the car and walked up to the door, knocking on it.

"Birthday boys!" The girl that opened it yelled, holding up her red cup.

I just chuckled and we walked in, making one girl latch onto us. "Happy birthday, boys. Here's a gift."

She handed us both a red solo cup and we both grabbed them, no hesitation.

"I think Halloween is the holiday where girls can dress however they want and get away with it," Fred said, folding his arms over his chest as we watched every female walk by.

"They all look good as hell," I said, my eyes centering in on one of the girls dancing on the coffee table.

"The birthday boys showed up!" Ryan, the guy that was hosting the party, yelled. He threw his arms around Fred and I, making us chuckle.

"I'm absolutely hammered," Ryan slurred, laughing, "you guys should try that, I don't know what it is but it's good as shit."

"We'll look into it, man," Fred said, "need to pop a squat?"

"Hell no!" Ryan yelled, pulling his shirt over his head, throwing it in the distance, "I'm here for a good time, not a long time!"

He climbed up on the counter and I just laughed, looking up at him as I took a sip of whatever was in my cup.

"Damn," I said, scrunching up my nose as soon as the alcohol hit my throat.

"Weakling," Fred said, shaking his head.

"I'm not a weakling," I said, "it's rough."

I felt a girl wrap an arm around me from behind and I just looked back at her.

"Hey, Jo," she said, grinning up at me.

"Hey, Allison," I said, smiling as I turned around to face her.

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