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"Come on, you were supposed to be here five minutes ago."

I paced around the foyer impatiently, checking my phone every other second. I folded my arms over my chest and looked down at my feet as I paced around.

"Ari, I know you're excited, sweetheart," Mom said, "but you standing in front of the window pacing might drive him off."

"You think so?" I asked, biting down on my bottom lip.

She nodded, shooting me a charming smile as she walked into the kitchen.

I sighed, stopping in my tracks. I leaned my head back. "Mom, he's so late."

"I think you're a bit dramatic, considering he's only five minutes late," she said, wiping down the countertops, "and don't you expect that from him by now?"


"He's not here yet?" Dad asked, his hands on his hips as he walked into the foyer.

"No," I said.

"He'll never be punctual," he muttered, "baby, the house is clean enough."

Mom looked up from the countertops. "I know."

I smiled and Dad and I both stood impatiently.

I heard a car pull up and my eyes lit up. I looked up at Dad and smiled, running towards the door.

I squealed and opened it, running outside.

"Please hit me with your Rolls Royce," I giggled out, "I'm begging you."

Toni chuckled and stepped out of his car. "She's hot, huh?"

He threw me the keys and I held them in my hand, smiling at him. "Can I drive?"

"Later, can you give me a hug first?"

I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "When are you going to start graying?"

"When I stop buying hair dye, and don't tell your dad that," he whispered, making me giggle and pull away from him.

He placed his hands on his hips and gave me a one-take. "Something's different."

I smiled a broad smile.

"Teeth whitening gel?"

I gave him a good shove and he laughed, shaking his head. "Your hair grew out."

"Toni, you're kidding, you look at women for a living."

He shook his head. "I'm just not catching it."

"I got my hair lightened," I deadpanned.

"I was warm," he said, looking over at me as we walked up to the front door.

"How was Greece?" I asked, "I'm still waiting to go."

"You can go when you're twenty-one and no younger," he said, shooting me a concerned look.

"Toni," I groaned, pushing the door open.

"No negotiations."

Toni jumped on Dad's back, making Dad simply sigh. He was terrible at expressing it, but he actually got so excited when Toni came back around.

"You sexy beast," he said, jumping down from his back, "and you're old as dirt now."

"Watch it," Dad cautiously said, turning to face him.

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now