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"Freddy and Jo are coming back today! Freddy and Jo are coming back today!"

Arabella ran through the kitchen, giggling.

"Be careful there, speedy," Santiago said, scooping her up gracefully.

"Please be careful with her," I said, my eyes wide as I took a sip of my drink.

"I'm careful with her, loosen up a little bit."

"I will when she's not hanging over your shoulder and her only support is you holding her foot."

He just smiled, pulling her back up. "Sorry, your mom's a fun sucker."

I threw my hands up. "If you would've went through what I went through for nine months, you'd understand the cautious nature."

"I know, baby," he said, placing Arabella down, "did you clean your room?"

She nodded up at him, rocking forward on her heels. "Yep, wanna see?"

"Of course I wanna see," he said, grabbing her tiny hand.

I smiled and watched them walk out of the kitchen, letting out a sigh. The twins were coming back today. I felt awkward calling them boys, because in reality, they were full-grown men.

Twenty-one years old now, to be exact.

The boys weren't so much of boys anymore. Or maybe their attitudes would decide that for me.

I had an insane amount of cleaning to do. They'd seen the house at its worst, but I wanted them to come home to a clean house.

And a very happy little sister.

Arabella had been counting down the days since Thanksgiving. All she wanted was to see her brothers, and they were on Christmas break now, so they were finally getting to come home to her.

"Well, I think you should show Mommy your room," Santiago said, strolling back into the kitchen with Arabella, "if I say so myself, we've got us a cleaning queen on our hands."

She just giggled up at her father, smiling up at me shortly after. "Come see, Mommy!"

I smiled and walked around the corner of the counter, smiling at Santiago as I grabbed Ari's hand.

"So, I did all of this myself," she said, grinning a toothy grin up at me as we began walking upstairs.

"I can't wait to see how perfect it looks," I said, smiling down at her.

We made it upstairs and I let out a sigh. "Wow, that's a workout."

She just skipped through the hallway, making me suck a breath in. "Arabella, be careful."

"Mommy," she groaned out, stopping in the doorway of her room, "Daddy tells me to live."

I just smiled and she turned on her light, smiling up at me. "Ta-da!"

I just looked around her room, a wide smile on my face.

That wide smile turned to my bottom lip pouting out, and I felt tears pricking at my eyes.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" She asked, smiling questionably up at me.

I just looked around. "You did all of this?"

She giggled. "Yeah, Mommy, I told you that."

I remembered when I had to clean her room because she couldn't walk yet. I remembered when I didn't have much of a room to clean, because all she had was a crib and my rocking chair in it.

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now