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I held my phone up to my ear, chewing on my bottom lip.

Santiago eventually picked up, the sound of his voice making me nervous.

"Hey, baby, how'd it go?" He asked.

"I, um, can you come home?" I asked, my bottom lip still in between my teeth.

I raked my hands through my hair as I put him on speaker, my phone on the counter.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Just come home," I said, "please, if you're free."

"O-okay, I'm on my way," he said, "I'll see you when I get there."

He hung up and I just leaned against the counter, letting out a breath as I held my hands over my mouth.

I was pregnant, and it was real this time.

I wasn't sure of Santiago's reaction so I wanted to tell him in person, and I couldn't wait until tonight to do so.

He was the father of my child.

We were having a baby together.

I couldn't help the small smile from forming on my face. I looked down at my stomach and just laughed, a tear falling from my eye.

No matter how happy I was currently, it couldn't match the amount of butterflies and nervousness I had resting inside of me.

I genuinely wanted him to take the news well. No matter how much I'd told him that we needed to wait, I'd still wanted a child through it all.

I paced around the kitchen for a few minutes, practicing how I'd go about breaking the news to him.

Hey, I'm pregnant with your kid.

Hey, you're going to be a dad again!

Hey, you have a baby on the way.

I just sighed, pursing my lips together as I leaned against the counter.

Suddenly the sickness seemed to fade away as soon as I got the news that I was pregnant, or maybe the nervous butterflies in my stomach were masking the actual sickness.

I wasn't entirely sure yet.

The door flew open and I just looked over at it, my stomach hurting even more when my eyes landed on Santiago.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his jaw muscle taut as he slipped out of his wet jacket.

I walked into the foyer, standing in front of him. I just bit down on my bottom lip, raking a hand through my hair.

"W-what's your schedule for today?" I asked, looking at him.

He just cracked a small, confused smile, his eyebrows in a slight furrow. "You called me home to see what my schedule for the day is?"

"Just tell me your schedule," I said, shaking my head.

He looked down at his smart watch, scrolling on the screen. "Well, I have a meeting with Van, meeting with Alex, meeting with the whole city of Seattle, pretty much."

He looked stressed and I wondered if now was the right time to tell him. With all the important meetings he had, should I put that load on him, too?

No, don't do it.

Tell him.

He was still talking but I was completely zoned out, chewing on my bottom lip.

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now