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Santiago's fingers dug into my hips, his hips rocking against mine at an intensely fast pace.

I slightly leaned down and pushed my hair behind my shoulder, grasping his jaw as I pressed my lips against his.

I'd woken up extremely horny this morning.

Which was most mornings, I just usually didn't act on it. Santiago was usually at work by the time I woke up these days. The baby had been draining my energy, I guess, so I was instinctively sleeping more.

But now that Santiago and I had the weekend to ourselves, no work, in Paris, we could act on it.

He pulled my bottom lip into his mouth, lightly sucking on it before pulling away with a grin.

Santiago failed to look a day over twenty. I was so unaware as to how he'd aged so beautifully. I'd just come to the conclusion that good genes ran in his family, considering what his parents looked like at age sixty-five.

I grasped the headboard beside Santiago's head, biting down on my bottom lip as I closed my eyes.

"Come for me," he whispered against my neck, peppering tiny kisses against my skin as his hands trailed down my sides.

"Mm," I moaned, cocking my head over. His hips were still grinding into my own. He'd really taken the load even though we weren't really in a position for him to do that, but Santiago literally could do anything when it came to sex.

I felt his fingers slightly brushing against my folds, gently pushing them apart, his eyes boring into my own during this whole process.

Wow, you've hit a new high, babe. Great job.

His lips pulled up into a grin and I felt his finger flick against my bud, making a sharp intake of breath fill the silent room. I grasped the headboard and parted my lips, my other free hand wrapped around his wrist.

"You like that?" He asked, his fingers beginning to move at a faster pace.

"Yes, don't stop," I moaned, "oh, God."

He looked so focused, and I couldn't help but to stare at him. He looked so genuinely interested in pleasuring me, and I hadn't seen anything sexier in quite a long time.

All of my thoughts were pushed to the side and instead, I fell against his rock-solid body with an orgasm. I braced my hands on his shoulders and rode out my very intense orgasm, letting out a breath as soon as it was over.

He just bit down on the inside of his bottom lip, his eyes boring into my own. "I still haven't gotten off yet."

I just grinned and carefully raised myself up off of him, wrapping my hand around his still-hardened length.

He plunged his hand in my hair and leaned his head back against the headboard, flexing his jaw muscle as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

I wrapped my lips around his shaft, making him let out a breath. I just grinned.

"It's about time I get breakfast in bed. You rave about it so much, I was starting to wonder what all the talk was about."

He just chuckled and we finished off our very eventful morning with both of us getting breakfast in bed.



"Okay, slow down," Adora said, letting out a breath, "whew, this child."

She rested her hands on her hips, making me smile.

"Well, one of the most prestigious dress stores in France is actually right around the corner," I said, looking down at my watch, "and I was hoping to get you there before closing."

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