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BRENNA (weird lmao)

"What was Adora talking about?"

I looked over at Zayn, pursing my lips together. "A lot."

"You know what I mean," he answered, looking in the rear view mirror.

"She's obviously not the first person to-"

"Brenna," he said, his tone clipped, "stop stalling. All you're doing is pissing me off."

I looked over my shoulder at Julia. She was asleep, she favored her father heavily when she was sleeping.

"He was a guy," I said, shrugging, "it's not really that much."

"A guy you never told me about. Why didn't you ever tell me about him if it wasn't that much?"

Zayn was calm and collected. He rarely raised his voice, he rarely got upset or aggressive. Even this tone was different.

"Because I didn't think you needed to know," I muttered, looking out of the window.

"Well I think you should tell me now," he said.

"He was a guy who dropped a car off," I said, "that's it."

He just looked over at me with wide eyes.

"And I told you about him," I said, "just not all of it."

"I'd appreciate it if you told me about all of it," he said, "I don't want to be married with secrets like this."

"It wasn't a secret, Zayn," I said, covering his knee with my hand, "it just wasn't brought up and it had no reason to be."

"Well, now it does," he said, nodding, "so you're telling me."

I let out a sigh, shaking my head. "I never actually knew who he was. I wasn't expecting a random car, but I got it. From a random guy, with no name that he wanted to tell me."

I looked over at him and he didn't say or do anything, just waited on me to continue on.

"I met him," I said, nodding as I looked down at my legs, "before we left for London for college. I was so pissed off at him for not making himself known before. God, I was so mad."

I just cleared my throat and raked my fingers through my hair. "We met in this alley, it was like, midnight. It was dark, of course, and he wouldn't even really let me see his face."

I was waiting on any move from Zayn but it never came. Nothing.

"I told him that I was leaving the car. That I didn't want any trace of him, that I was going to start over and he wasn't a part of that."

"Brenna, we were together, at this point," he said, his voice a low hum as he looked out of the window.

"That's why I met him," I said, grabbing Zayn's free hand, "because I wanted to start over with you. I wanted to forget about him completely, I wanted you. It wasn't him."

"Why didn't you just leave it be?" He asked, furrowed brows, "w-why did you have to rekindle whatever you two had with a midnight meeting over a fucking car?"

"Because leaving without an explanation is so much worse than leaving with one," I whispered.

"And I wasn't willing to do that to him. The fact that I never actually met the real him didn't change that, the fact that he wouldn't even tell me his own name didn't change that."

Zayn just looked over at me, shaking his head.

"He was intriguing," I said, shrugging, "and you know, I think that's part of the reason I hated Santiago and Adora together so bad. Because she got him, because he got her. Because it wasn't just some dumb mystery that was left unanswered."

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