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"Major!" I yelled, jogging around the house, pulling my headphones out of my ears, "Major, buddy, where are you?"

I stopped and sighed, resting my hands on my hips.

This dog really wanted to play hide and seek.

"Major, I've got a treat," I said, reaching in his bag of treats.

When he didn't immediately come running, I sighed and walked around the living room.

"Major, dude, I'm not playing, where are you?"

I stumbled into Dad's office and furrowed my brows together when I saw Major, lying in Dad's chair.

"Hey, buddy," I said, smiling as I walked over to his desk, "I've been looking for you."

I placed the treat in front of him and rubbed his fur, pressing a kiss to his head. I leaned against Dad's desk and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

[From: kate]
Yeah, I'll be there around 9 if that's good with you ;) also I have a friend coming for your brother. She's been wanting to hook up with him so bad, pls tell me he's up for it

[To: kate]
That's good and yes he could use that. Can't wait to see you🤤

I placed my phone on Dad's desk and kneeled down, rubbing Major's fur. "You wanna stay in here for the rest of the night? Fred and Jo have girls coming over, which means sex plans."

He just continued to chow down on his treat, making me chuckle.

Major and Dad had grown this intense attachment to eachother, and it was honestly what Dad needed. He shut himself off from befriending people, so a dog was exactly what he needed.

I turned around and grabbed my phone, furrowing my brows together at the DVD case on his desk.

I picked it up and my eyebrows shot up, my jaw dropping.

I couldn't help but to bust out in laughter, running out of Dad's office. "Jo!"

I ran upstairs and into his room, my hands on my thighs as I doubled over to laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, chuckling as he dried his wet hair off with a towel.

I couldn't get words out because I was laughing so hard. "Bro, look at this shit."

I threw him the DVD case and he caught it, sitting down on his bed.

"Confessions of a Squirtaholic," he said, cracking a grin as he held the case up, "bro, where the hell did you buy this at?"

"Actually," I laughed out, "it was free. It's Dad's! Can you believe he watches that shit?"

"Porn? Yes," he said, "but I don't think this is his. I doubt it, it can't be."

"I don't know," I said, smiling as I folded my arms over my chest.

He just let out a sigh, flexing his jaw muscle as he braced his elbow on his thigh. "It looks interesting."

"Hell yeah, it does," I said, sitting down beside him.

"Watch it and don't tell him?" We said at the same time, looking over at eachother.

"I'll get the popcorn," I said, jumping up from his bed.

"You know, Dad knows we watch porn, we're teenage boys, everyone kind of does it," Jo said, "but do you think he'll get pissed?"

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now