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"Are you up for a weekend getaway?"

I looked over my shoulder and saw Santiago standing in the doorway of his office, grinning as I turned towards him. He looked absolutely delicious, clad in slacks and a white button up, unbuttoned a little more than usual, looking down at papers.

"Well, is that even a question?" I asked, raising my eyebrows as he walked over to the couch, throwing the papers on the table beside me.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I was hoping to take you to the cabin. You know, out in the woods."

"Ooh, the man getaway cabin?" I asked, pulling him closer to me by his leg, smiling.

"Yeah, that one," he said, "I told the boys I'd let them have a weekend here alone. Scary, but they have to grow up at some point, right?"

I just laughed. "You're sure you want to leave them here alone?"

"Well, Alessandra's a call away," he said, shrugging, "they'll live."

"And probably have multiple girls over," I said, making him nod.

"Yeah, that too."

I just smiled up at him, darting my eyes down to his groin.

I knew Santiago had definitely felt the pain of my pregnancy with me. Probably the biggest struggle was having to go more than a few months now without sex.

He was a strong man, that was for sure.

"Hey, where are the boys?" I asked, furrowed brows as I looked up at him.

He sighed and threaded his fingers through my hair. "They're both over at girls' houses. Lucky me, I'll get to hear about both escapades in the morning."

I just giggled. "You know, they're lucky to have you. I know you're lighthearted about stuff like that, they can talk to you about anything."

"Well, where Val was at fault for it, I wanted to be someone they could go to. Because God knows I needed it."

I just smiled, biting down on my lip.

I got on my knees on the couch, resting my chin against his lower abdomen. "You look like you could use a little motivation to finish up those papers over there."

He just smiled down at me. His stubble was a little bit more grown out than normal, but I knew he was currently happier right now than he'd been in quite some time.

"What kind of motivation are you going to bless me with?" He asked, cupping my face with both hands.

"The best kind," I whispered, grinning up at him.

"You know, as much as I'd love to accept your offer, there's just a weird part about me that would feel a little bad shoving my cock down your throat with a child inside of you."

My eyebrows shot up and I grinned. "Well, that just made me want to motivate you even more, so."

He just chuckled and shook his head. "You're a little bit twisted, you know that?"

I just cocked an eyebrow up at him, grinning.

I knew.



"That was nice," Adora said, smiling as she rolled over.

"Sorry, I actually am not heartless enough to actually go the full mile," I said, pulling a pair of underwear on.

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now