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another week later lols


Santiago and I grew further apart with each day.

Each hour we weren't together, each conversation we put aside because we were both tired, each good morning kiss we missed, each good night kiss we missed.

It was starting to effect me less, even though I didn't want it to. I was coming to my senses, Santiago and I were just drifting apart.

Our businesses were growing hour by hour. As if his could get any larger, it was growing so rapidly, he was quickly becoming a billionaire.

And my business? Well, it was thriving, as well.

It was nice having something to do, but I would've enjoyed it even more if Santiago and I weren't acting like we weren't even dating, let alone married.

Marriage wasn't about drifting apart and living separate lives- marriage was about spending life together, not just acting like roommates.

I hoped to God that wasn't what marriage would become. I wanted Santiago and I to still act like we were dating, for us to still dote over eachother the way we did when we were dating.

I just sighed, tapping my foot as I waited on my morning coffee. I'd gotten little sleep, I was genuinely stressed about how far Santiago and I'd gotten from eachother mentally.

I knew it, I knew he'd become unbothered, like no one was there except his business, and with each day, I saw it more and more.

"Mrs. King?"

I pulled myself out of my thoughts, looking down at the girl beside me. "Yes?"

"Wow, you're even more beautiful in person," the little girl said, smiling a warm smile.

"Oh, thank you," I said, grinning, "you're beautiful, too."

I knelt down and smiled at the little girl in front of me. "What's your name?"

"Annabella," she said, smiling a toothy smile.

"Well, Annabella," I said, "I love your hair. My hair used to look like that when I was a little girl."

She gasped, her eyes lighting up. "Really?"

"Mm hmm," I said, giggling. She was truly adorable.

"Annabella, sweetheart, don't bother anyone."

"Oh, she's not bothering anyone," I said, looking up at the lady standing in front of us, "we were just having a nice talk."

"Yeah, Mom, this is Mrs. King!" She exclaimed, batting her long eyelashes up at her mother.

"How about since I know your name, you call me Adora," I said, "I'll feel better, like we're friends."

Her mother just laughed. "It's so nice meeting you. You're a celebrity around here, you know, being married to Mr. King and all."

"Oh," I said, smiling as I stood up straight, reaching inside my purse, "n-no."

The door to the coffee shop opened and I knew it was Santiago. No matter how distant we'd become, even if we'd become so distant to where we couldn't speak to each other, I would still be able to feel it when he walked in a room. He'd always be powerful, no matter what.

He just furrowed his brows together, a small smile forming on his face.

"Mr. King!" Annabella exclaimed, "oh my goodness."

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