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hi my loves!

so.. these haven't ever really been too hard for me because I always know that there's another book coming right after.

but this time it's a little bit more bittersweet
:( there IS another book coming, but it's not a part of this series and it does make me a little sad.

this journey... WOW. that's really all I can say, WOW. like you guys are freaking amazing, and I'm so so so thankful that I got to write all four of these books for SUCH amazing people.

and no, you WERE NOT DREAMING - Arabella and Adora both made it! it was a happy ending. (: you guys deserved that, and most of all, Santiago and Adora deserved it, too! they've been through hell and back just to be together, so I thought a happy ending was fitting.

sooo, i want to clear up a few things!

1) the boys' series-
so their series is going to be four books as well, all books will be 50 chapters! I have gotten quite a few questions about that actually, so there's ur answers! and also you guys will most definitely be getting something you've been asking for for SO LONG... you'll see 😉

2) the epilogue/bonus feature
so the "bonus feature" will last for 10 chapters - and they're going to be posted in this book. they won't have their own book. the reason I'm doing this is because I want to give you guys some insight on how Santiago and Adora are as parents to their baby girl! I'm so excited for these next 10 chapters ❤️ you're going to get to know Arabella AND see how great of parents santy and Adora are to her! also the bonus feature chapters will be labeled as "bf 1", "bf 2", "bf 3", and so on (:

3) the timing of the bonus feature^
so I wanted to make a whole other point for this - the timing of the feature will literally be all over the place. the first chapter of it will literally be like, 2 weeks after chapter 50! and then the rest of them are going to be fast forwarded A WHILE! (Like, 3/4 years). I'm also going to be posting these chapters at the same time as the boys' chapters, so you guys will be getting a double dose!

4) Arabella's series
yes, Arabella is going to have a series. I'm not sure if it's going to be a 4 book series or even just 1 book.. but she's going to have a book *or a few* and I'm excited for u guys to read it!

so yeah those are most of the points I wanted to touch on. if you guys have any more questions please comment them right here so I can hopefully answer them!! ❤️

well, leaving you guys is pretty hard rn. it's been such a journey. lots of tears, lots of anger, lots of DELETED BOOKS BUT US FIXING THAT, lots of stuff. we've been through it together. we did that shit. gosh I love you guys so much!! I have really grown an attachment to every single one of you, whether it feels like it or not.

and the fact that homewrecker is almost at 1M! that's so mind blowing to me. I will NEVER be able to thank you guys enough, and you guys will NEVER know how thankful I am for you.

welp. this series is over and im sad, but this is pretty much starting a new chapter of our lives! im starting new chapters all around so this was good timing ❤️

I really love you guys so much. thank you so much, for everything.

Jay 💕

(You guys are going to REALLY love the first chapter of the bonus feature ;) what do u think it is??)

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