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sooo guys... this is definitely different!! i hope you enjoy!! also sorry it's been so long :'( ily and i didn't forget ab u!



I looked up from the onion I was cutting, smiling a warm smile when Arabella came into my line of vision.

"Hey, love," I greeted, wiping my hands off on my jeans, "good day?"

"It was okay, yeah," she said, tilting her head over with a smile.

Santiago walked out of his office, pulling his glasses off of his face. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Hi, Dad," she greeted, wrapping her arms around him.

He rubbed her arm. "What have you done?"

I couldn't help but to giggle, going back to cutting my onion. I made sure to listen in on the conversation, though.

"What?" She asked.

"You only hug me when you need me to bail you out."

She laughed, placing her bag on the countertop. "I haven't done anything."

I dumped the chopped onion into the bowl of soup on the stove, deeply breathing in. "Mm. This smells so amazing. Come smell."

Santiago walked into the kitchen, leaning over the bowl. "I'm wafting."

Arabella giggled and sat down at the bar. "So."

Santiago frowned, standing upright. "I knew something was coming."

"Hear me out," Arabella quickly came to her defense.

"If you dented up your car again, I'm not paying for it to be fixed," Santiago said, bracing his elbows on the counter.

"Babe," I muttered, gently rubbing his back.

"Not quite that caliber," she said, "you really doubt my driving skills, huh?"

"Two cars in, yeah," he deadpanned.

I smiled. "What is it, sweetie?"

"Zach," she said, "Zach T- wait, let me finish, Dad."

I looked down at Santiago, laughing at his expression.

"He invited me over to study."

Santiago let out a loud chuckle, shaking his head. "Hell no."

"You literally work with his father," she deadpanned, her chin in her palm.

"I literally don't care," he said, "I know Zach Taylor's reputation."

"You hang around a lot of high school boys?" Arabella asked.

I bit down on my lip to suppress a laugh.

"I know high school boys," he said.

"She is seventeen, amor," I said, looking up at Santiago.

He folded his arms over his chest. "Is that supposed to change my mind?"

"It's to study," she said.

"Mm hmm," Santiago muttered, "yeah, no."

"Dad, that's so unfair," she said, chewing on her lip.

"How is that unfair?" He asked, digging around in the pantry for something.

"You were letting the twins out at seventeen. I mean, you basically begged them to get laid on their sixteenth."

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