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6 months later..


"Mrs. King?"

I looked over my shoulder with a wide smile, hitching my purse further up on my shoulder.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, "God, I'm starving."

"Sorry it took so long!" The waitress said, resting a hand on my shoulder as she held my bag of food out to me.

"That's fine," I said, shooting her a genuine smile, "here's ten dollars, that's the only bill I could find in my purse."

"Oh, ma'am, I don't need a t-"

"Take it," I said, smiling as I grabbed my food, "have a good day."

"You too," she said, smiling as I walked out of the restaurant.


Busy, buzzing streets. Full of people, full of luxurious cars.

I jolted across the street and into my building, smiling as soon as Santiago came into my line of vision.

I snuck up on him and covered his eyes with my hands.

"You brought food," he said, and I could feel his lips pull up into a wide smile.

"I did," I said, smiling as he turned around.

He wrapped his arms around my hips and pressed a kiss to my lips, giving my bum a good slap. "White is so flattering on you. Every color is, actually."

I just giggled, pecking the tip of his nose. "Anything exciting happen while I was gone?"

"No, I just came over here to see if you wanted food. Looks like you beat me to it."

"The perks of my business being across from yours," I said, smiling.

Santiago had fulfilled my wish and helped me start up a business of my own in the past six months. It was time and money consuming, but it was already buzzing with business.

Santiago and I were creating an empire together.

A publishing company- King Publishing Company, to be exact.

He'd even picked out the perfect building, the building I'd had in mind ever since the idea was sparked. The outside painted white, covered in moss, the inside an industrial setting, string lights hung from the twenty foot ceilings.

Santiago had even put together a crew for me, a crew that was beyond anything I'd ever imagined.

Santiago was good at this business thing.

"God, this smells amazing," he said, peeking inside the bag.

"I know," I said, pulling out my salad.

"God, who eats a salad for lunch?"

"You and I," I said, cocking an eyebrow up at him.

"You got me a salad? Babe, how long have we been married," he muttered, peeking inside the bag again.

I giggled, pushing him back by his abdomen. "I was kidding, I didn't get you a salad. I know you're a man, you can't live off of salads."

"I knew it smelled way too good to be a salad," he said.

I grabbed his food out of the bag and placed it on the other side of my desk, grabbing his drink.

"Mind if I stay and eat lunch?" He asked.

"Please do," I said, "the employees work their asses off all day, so I'm a loner when it comes to lunch."

"Why don't you invite Victoria over?" He asked, pulling my chair out for me.

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now