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I hummed as I danced through the kitchen towards the fridge, opening it to slide the eggs back in.

I spun around the island and back to the oven, looking in to see how the cinnamon rolls were looking.

I'd woken up this morning craving cinnamon rolls and eggs. The least weird craving I'd gotten yet, and it was a relief. Sometimes I'd take a bite of some of the foods I was craving and want to puke.

But not today.

I walked over to the stove and placed my hands on my hips, letting out a breath. Lately I'd been getting winded by even the slightest things, and I blamed it on the baby, but I wasn't sure if it was supposed to happen this early on.

Oh well.

I went back to humming and dancing. I was in a very chipper mood, considering how last night had gone down.

I'd totally gotten away with making a sex tape without Santiago knowing.

That thought alone brought a smile to my face. It was rare for anything to pass by Santiago without him knowing.

And knowing that it was the one thing I wanted to keep a secret from him for a few weeks that passed by made a smile appear.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs and I knew it was Santiago, the boys had already left for school. They claimed to have an early soccer practice, which I wasn't sure if it was entirely true, and whether or not it was actually their sixteen-year old sexually active lives getting them out the door so quickly.

I pulled the cinnamon rolls out of the oven and smiled as soon as Santiago came into my line of vision.

"Cinnamon rolls? We haven't had those in a hot minute," he said, walking around the counter.

"Good morning," I greeted, wrapping my arms around his middle, my chin on his chest.

"Morning, baby," he said, pecking the tip of my nose, "was this a craving of yours?"

"Uh, yeah," I said, leaning against the counter as he pulled away, "cinnamon rolls and eggs. I'm not complaining, though, this is the least out of the park craving I've had."

He just laughed and looked over at me from the fridge, grabbing out a water.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, drizzling the icing on top of the cinnamon rolls.

"Yeah," he said, "after we actually got to sleep. Kept saying we were finished, we'd go another round, you know the drill."

I just grinned, looking up at him from under my eyelashes. "Yeah, we haven't had a night like that in ages."

"Understandable, though," he said, nodding.

You even got every round on camera. Go you, Adora!

"Hey, when you get the sex tape edited how you want it, send it to me," he said, nodding with wide eyes.

I seemed to be choking on my words, my lips parted. He just shot me a smile and furrowed his brows. "Wait, you didn't think you'd actually gotten away with it, did you?"

"I was hoping I did!" I exclaimed, "ugh, I can never get anything past you."

He just chuckled. "It's the thought that counts, but your hiding skills are not there."

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now