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this is it guys 😭


"It's very much so official," Adora said, "it's Arabella."

I smiled over at her, rubbing the back of her hand with my own.

"You okay with being in here? I know it's freezing, I'm burning up," she said, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," I whispered, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.

She smiled over at me. "I love you."

"I love you," I said.

"I need more ice chips," she said, "but I feel bad ringing the nurses again. All they've done is wait hand and foot on me."

"I've got it," I said, standing up, grabbing her cup, "hey, Landon texted."

She smiled and grabbed her phone, and I shot her one last glance before walking out of her room.

I walked over to the vending machines and saw Fred and Jo from the corner of my eye. They were messed up, this was definitely their breaking point.

I'd never seen Jo lash out on anyone like he had Alessandra earlier. Part of me felt like it was my fault. I'd had a lot of breakdowns in front of them and they were learning from me.

My eyebrows went into a deep furrow when my eyes landed on someone else, someone I knew she wouldn't want to see.

The doors opened and in Brenna walked.

"She can't accept visitors," I said, shaking my head.

"Please, Santiago," she said.

"No," I said, shaking my head, "you should be done with making her life hell."

"I screwed up, okay?" She said, "I screwed up a long time ago."

"You knew damn well she's eight months pregnant and you pick a fight with her at a fucking restaurant," I said, shaking my head yet again, "no, it doesn't seem like that was too long ago."

"Santiago, please," she said, "I just want to see her."

"She is in so much pain right now, Brenna," I said, "she doesn't need anything else weighing down on her."

"Zayn told me that she was in a really bad place with her pregnancy. That she could die, and I'm not leaving her with what I left her with."

"If you cared so much, you would've fixed it the last time you saw her," I said, furrowed brows, "but you didn't. You can put on the caring act as much as you want, you can put on the pity act, but I don't have any remorse for you of any kind."

She just looked at me, sighing. "Can you at least ask her?"

"It'd be a waste of breath."

"Does she know that?" She asked, "just ask her for me, please. And I'll get out of your life."

"Well, if that's what it takes, sure. Let me see if she'll see you."



I sat up in my bed, placing my ice chips on my table as the door opened.

My eyes landed on Brenna. So many thoughts and emotions went through my mind.

"Hi," she greeted awkwardly, her hands in front of her stomach.

"Hi," I quietly said.

"Nine centimeters?" She asked, "isn't that painful?"

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora