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I stood up and walked over to my printer, waiting on my papers to come out.

Last night was probably the worst argument Santiago and I had been in since we got married. Not even probably, it was the worst argument since we'd gotten married.

And I was still pissed at him, because I'm a woman and it takes me time to get over things.

I tapped my foot as I waited on the printer, letting out an angry sigh. "Come on."

"Hey, Adora? The printer stopped working last night after you left."

I just closed my eyes and sighed, turning around to face Al. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with it. What do you need to print?"

"Just a few papers."

"Can you go across to your husband's building?" He asked, writing something down, "if you can't, I can."

I just froze at his question.

I could, but did I want to?

Absolutely not.

"Uh, yeah, you're free?" I asked.

"You don't want to see your husband?" He snorted out, looking over at me.

I just cocked my head over.

Santiago and I were truly supposed to be the power couple of Seattle, and I wasn't making it obvious that we were.

I was actually making it obvious that we weren't.

"U-uh, I'll go," I said, laughing, "I should go see him anyways, I didn't see him before we left."

"Take your time," he said, winking, "I'll make sure the place doesn't fall apart while you're gone."

I just smiled and grabbed my purse and laptop, walking out of my building. I took a deep breath, telling myself I had to keep my smart remarks to myself.

Maybe I wouldn't even run into him, maybe I'd be able to avoid him. After all, all I had to do was print out a few papers.

I jolted across the busy street and brushed my curled hair away from my face, walking in Santiago's gigantic building through the new revolving door.

His receptionist was at the desk, probably swarmed with phone calls as she always was, but she made an effort to shoot me a warm smile and a wave. "Hey, Mrs. King," she said, covering the speaker of the phone.

"Hey, I just have to print out a few things," I said, "my printer isn't working."

She just smiled, nodding.

I walked through the crowded lobby and into the printing room, stopping in my tracks as soon as I saw the most important looking man I'd ever laid eyes on standing in front of me.

And of course it was none other than Santiago King. No matter how pissed I was at him, he'd always be the most important looking human in the room. Period.

I just rolled my eyes, walking in. I tried to not catch his attention as I walked over to the nearest printer.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Using the printer," I said, stating the obvious.

"Why aren't you using yours?" He asked, leaning against the table.

"Because it's not working," I said, keeping conversation short and sweet as I opened my laptop.

I began printing the papers I needed to print and he just trailed his eyes down me, making my eyes narrow at him.

Forever With the Homewrecker (BOOK 4) Where stories live. Discover now