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chapter in the boys' pov


I busted through the waiting room doors, letting out a breath.

Everyone was there - Mom, Mateo, Toni, Asad, Victoria, everyone.

"Sorry, Coach literally wouldn't let me out of practice," I said, "where is she, what room is she in?"

I was erratic. I was worried. I knew it was a possibility that something could happen, and I wasn't willing to chance not seeing her.

"Jo," Mom quietly said, her head cocked over slightly.

"What?" I asked, "what room number?"

I walked towards the doors.

"Jo," she said, a little louder than before.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around, my eyes boring into hers.

I let out a breath. "You're screwing with me, right?"

I let out a laugh and looked all around.

"She's not accepting visitors anymore," Mom said, "it's okay, Jo-"

"What?" I breathed out, tears pricking at my eyes.

"It's o-"

"It's not okay, Mom!" I yelled, hacking away from her as she stood up, "it's not okay at all!"

I let out a sob and looked down, looking back up at her.


"No," I said, shaking my head, "no, Mom, who was there while you were screwing around on Dad? Adora. Who was there while you were in and out of those fucking hospitals trying to fix whatever you had going on in there? Dad! Who's been a part of Dad since he laid eyes on her? Adora! Who was there when I was learning how to drive? Adora. Who cooks me breakfast every morning? Adora. Who makes sure that every moment of the day, I'm comfortable, even when she's not? Adora!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face by now, "to hell with you!"

I let out my first breath since I started, making me look around. Even Toni was serious at this point, and I seemed to forget he had a serious bone in his body.

My eyes landed on Dad, who looked absolutely defeated in every possible way.

I looked back at Mom, who was staring at me with her lips parted.

I just sniffled and wiped my nose, shaking my head. "I didn't need you then and I don't need you now."

I gulped. "I'm taking a walk."

"I'm coming with you," Fred said, a warning tone to his voice.

"No you're not," I snapped, shaking my head, "I don't want you to come with me."

He just nodded and backed away slowly on his crutches. "Okay."

I just took one last good look around the room, nodding. "Okay."

And with that, I pushed the doors open and walked out of the waiting room.



I was currently sitting outside in the rain.

I wasn't even sure why, I guess I was waiting on something to come to me from the rain, or something.

I'd let my anger consume me when I needed it the least.

The door opened and I looked up, seeing Mom.

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