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"Is the last name King well known here?" I asked, looking over at Santiago as he walked out of the bedroom.

He scratched his abdomen. "I wouldn't consider it to be well known."

I just sighed, resting my head in my hand.

"If you're looking for a tropical place where your name is well known, your best shot is Barcelona."

"Barbados is like, one of the best kept secrets ever," I said, "there's not too much here."

"Your point?" He asked, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"My business isn't as big as yours," I said, "not even half the size. I would love to look into opening something up here."

He just nodded, sitting next to me on the couch.

"I don't know," I said, "it would be nice to have an excuse to come here."

"We do," he said, "and plus, if you put work here, it's not really vacation anymore."

"What's our excuse?" I asked.

"Well, this is where we went on our honeymoon," he deadpanned, making me laugh and shake my head.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, resting my head on his shoulder, "where do we want to go for dinner?"

"I'm indifferent, as long as you wear a sundress," he said, throwing his arm over my shoulders.

I just smiled up at him. "I shall fulfill your request. Or we could have dinner here, and I could wear nothing."

He chuckled. "Tempting. But we have nothing here, unless your confidence in my fishing skills is through the roof."

I slapped his chest. "No."

He held his hands up. "You suggested it."

I just laid down on his lap. "I miss Arabella."

He just looked down at me. "I know you're a good mom, Adora."

I giggled and sat up, resting on my elbow. "No, seriously, I really do miss her. I miss her cheeks."

"I have cheeks," he said, smiling at me.

"Not chubby cheeks," I said, "and I miss her cuddles."

"I give good cuddles," he deadpanned.

"I didn't say you didn't," I said, laughing as I stood up.

"You talked to her this morning," he said, his eyes glued to me as I walked into the kitchen.

"I know," I said, "I'm not calling."

"You were going to."

I just looked at him, opening the fridge. "No I wasn't."

"Yes, you were," he said.

I just closed the fridge and he smiled, leaning against the counter. "You know, she has to go to school at some point."

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