Dare - #56

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Percy: Glad to see you, Elle!

Elle: Hi, Perce!

Annabeth: What are you doing here?

Elle: *raises an eyebrow* Am I not allowed to visit my friends at camp?

Annabeth: I suppose not. *sighs and sits down beside her*

Elle: *mumbles under her breath* And maybe to watch mom kick Jason for CesarVazquezJr's dare too but anyways...

Annabeth and Percy: *look at her*

Annabeth: What was that?

Elle: Nothing.

Annabeth: *narrows her eyes*

Elle: Okay, okay. I said that mom's super busy right now so I also sort of came to ask you for tips on what to do for my science fair.

Annabeth: Oh. Well, why didn't you say so? I have a notebook filled with things just for that! Let me grab them for you. *smiles and rushes off*

Percy: Almost three years of dating and still, the only time I ever see her so excited is talking about math and science and whatever.

Elle: *laugh*

Jason: *walks past them* Oh, hey Elle! Long time no see.

Elle: *waves* I won't be here long so say hi to Piper for me!

Athena: *passes by Elle as she follows Jason while dressed as Leo*

Elle: *catches her eye*

Athena: *turns back to look at Jason* Jason, dude! I've been looking all over for you.

Jason: *turns to look at him* What's up, Leo?

Athena: This. *walks up to him and suddenly knees him on the you-know-what*

Jason: *cries out*

Percy and Elle: *grimace*

Elle: Yikes. That's gotta hurt.

Percy: This is too painful, I can't watch.

Jason: *crumples to the ground and shuts his eyes* Man, what the hell?!

Athena: Sorry! *rushes off and past Annabeth and Leo*

Annabeth and Leo: *arguing over her notes while walking back to Percy and Elle*

Percy: *blinks* Did I just see two Leos?

Elle: I think you did.

Leo: If you're gonna suggest a project for Elle of all people, at least make it interesting!

Annabeth: Nanoparticles are interesting! *rolls her eyes and flips another page on her notebook*

Leo: Oh for gods' sake! Just let her do an automaton or somethi - *gets hit on the head with a pebble and yelps*

Annabeth: *jumps in surprise*

Percy and Elle: *wince*

Jason: *groans and tries to stand up but groans in pain* That was for what you just did!

Leo: *rubs his head* What did I do?!


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