Dare - #82

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Athena: *appears at Camp Half-Blood and walks around camp*

Percy and Annabeth: *spots her from the volleyball court*

Athena: *walks towards them*

Annabeth: *rushed towards her* Mom, what brings you h -

Athena: *summons a sword*

Percy and Annabeth: *look at each other*

Annabeth: Uh, mom? Mother? *backs away slowly*

Athena: *lunges at her*

Annabeth: *dodges the sword by an inch* MOM?!

Athena: *swings the sword again*

Annabeth: *trying to dodge Athena's attacks* ELLE?! A LITTLE HELP?

Elle: *sips on her cookies and cream smoothie* Oh, relax. She's not gonna kill you.

Percy: *quickly uncaps Riptide and tosses it to Annabeth*

Annabeth: *catches it just in time to block Athena's sword* MOM, STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Athena: *continues in trying to hit Annabeth with her sword*

Annabeth: *continues to dodge, block, and get away from Athena*

Percy: *tries to move forward and help*

Elle: *steps in front of him* Sorry, no can do.

Percy: Elle, this isn't funny. Let me through-

Athena: *trips Annabeth and swiftly disarms her, pointing her own the sword at her daughter*

Annabeth: *stumbles back onto the ground and looks up at her with wide eyes*

Athena: *stares at her for a long time for lowering her sword* Good.

Annabeth: *breathes heavily* W-what?

Athena: *helps her get up and dusts her clothes off* Your training has worked out quite well for you, dear. You've improved over the years, but you still need to work on your offense too. Anyways, good job.

Percy: Wait... what just happened?

Annabeth: *blinks and falls back to the ground, shaking* Oh my gods...

Everyone: *looks at Annabeth*

Elle: *walks up to Athena and nudges Annabeth's foot* Yeah, I think you scared the living shit out of her.

Athena: *sighs and pats her shoulder* Excellent observation as always, dear.


A/N: Gangsterdog07 dared Athena to attack Annabeth.

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