Dare - #112

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Annabeth: Mom? Lord Hermes? What are you two doing here?

Athena: Can't your dear ol' mom just swing by for a visit?

Annabeth: *furrows her eyebrows and looks at Hermes* Uh, I guess.

Hermes: *shrugs* She just brought me here with her.

Athena: *looks around* I don't see Percy anywhere. Where's your little boyfriend?

Annabeth: Percy? Oh, he went to visit his mom. He's gone for the weekend.

Athena: Aw, that's too bad. Anyways, campers, could you please gather around for a moment?

Campers: *look at each other before forming a circle around Hermes and Athena*

Athena: We have a very special announcement so everyone listen up.

Hermes: *whispers* Wait, are we going to tell them?

Athena: *smirks* Of course we are.

Hermes: *smiles*

Campers: *murmur in excitement*

Athena: I would like to announce that Hermes and my daughter Annabeth are getting married!

Everyone: *jaws drop*

Annabeth and Hermes: W-WHAT?!

Athena: *squeals* Isn't this exciting?

Annabeth: *clutches onto Piper* I think I'm gonna pass out.

Hermes: *tugs at Athena's arm as his cheeks start turning red* What are you doing?!

Athena: *snaps her fingers and 'HERMES ♡ ANNABETH' banners start to appear around the pavilion*

Annabeth: Mom, you're killing me.

Athena: Annabeth dear, you look horrible. That's no way to look on your wedding day.

Annabeth: My what?!

Athena: *turns Annabeth's clothes into a wedding gown and pushes Hermes towards her*

Everyone: *staring at them in shock*

Annabeth: We're not getting married! I don't want to get married! I don't want any of this!

Everyone: *glares at Hermes*

Hermes: *looks at them, frantically shaking his head* I had nothing to do with this! I swear! I don't want this either! Ena, stop this right now!


a/n: Kezialove772002 dared Athena to act like Aphrodite and embarrass Hermes and Annabeth.

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