Dare - #109

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Hermes: *grabs his order from the counter at Starbucks and smiles at the barista* Thanks!

Poseidon: I'm telling you, Hermes. Taking a break sounds nice for me but she's not gonna last the whole day doing my job.

Hermes: Uncle, I think you're forgetting she's like the smartest goddess ever. She'll do just fine. Great, even.

Poseidon: Yes, but does she know anything about underwater affairs? I think not, so I highly doubt it.

Hermes: *rolls his eyes*

Hermes and Poseidon: *teleport to Poseidon's underwater palace*

Poseidon: *jaw drops*

Hermes: *grins* Anyways, you were saying?

Poseidon: My palace. It's... it's completely fixed?

Hermes and and Poseidon: *walk towards Poseidon's study*

Athena and Amphitrite: *chatting*

Amphitrite: *turns to Poseidon* Athena has been lovely today. She not only repaired the damaged parts of the palace, but managed to renovate the whole place in a single day!

Athena: Oh, it was no sweat. Seriously though, why did it take you six hundred years to build an arcade room? It took me half an hour, Uncle.

Poseidon: *stares at her in shock*

Amphitrite: She even found a solution to the sewage problem on the coast! Isn't that great? Oh, Hermes! If I could snatch Athena from you, I would!

Hermes: *laughs* Not gonna happen, 'Trite.

Amphitrite: *grabs Poseidon's arm and drags him away* Oh, darling! I have to show you what she did with the kitchen!

Athena: *leans back on the chair and closes her eyes* I'm glad that's over with.

Hermes: *walks towards her and hands her the cup of cold brew coffee* Rough day? I figured you'd need this.

Athena: *smiles and takes a sip* Thank you, Hermes. Is it still okay with you to help me on the next part of FeltyPancake417's dare?

Hermes: I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to rob a bank with you and my kids, Ena!

Athena: *sighs*

Hermes: Can we wear those Money Heist masks though?

Athena: *stares at him* Hermes, what? No!


Athena, Hermes, and the Hermes campers: *rush out of the bank with bags of money, dressed like the Money Heist characters*

Hermes campers: *get into the back of their van*

Athena and Hermes: *rush into the front seats*

Hermes: *starts driving and looks at Athena* Thanks for letting us wear the costumes again, Ena.

Athena: *scowls at him*

Hermes: *awkwardly looks away and clears his throat*

Travis: I can't believe we just robbed a bank!

Connor: I know!

Julia: Don't you mean Stoll from a bank?

Alice: *chuckles and high-fives her*

Athena: Not gonna lie. That was kind of clever.

Travis and Connor: *blink*

Julia: Seriously, how do you guys still not get that?

Hermes: *eyes widen* Oh my gods, Athena. We basically just taught my teenage kids to commit a crime. We're setting a bad example.

Cecil: Don't worry, dad. It's not like we haven't stolen before.

Connor: Yeah! We steal chips and shirts from convenience stores all the time.

Athena: *facepalms*

Hermes: *grimaces* I really don't think stealing a bag of chips from a small store should be on the same scale as robbing thousands worth of cash from a heavily guarded bank, Travis.

Connor: It's Connor.

Hermes: Right, sorry.

Everyone: *goes silent*

Julia: We can still keep the money, right?

Athena and Hermes: No!

Hermes campers: Aw...


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