Dare - #59

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Artemis: *walks into the kitchen* I'm back. What's new?

Athena: Hermes and I are dating.

Apollo, Persephone, and Aphrodite: *quietly turn to look at her*

Hermes: *stops chewing on his cake and looks at her*

Persephone: I'm sorry, what was that?

Athena: You heard me.

Apollo and Persephone: *turn to look at Hermes*

Hermes: *blushes and smiles sheepishly*

Apollo: *coughs up his coffee*

Artemis: *sits down beside Apollo* I asked what was new.

Athena and Hermes: You knew?

Artemis: Yeah, aunt Hestia and I already decided to place bets on you two.

Athena: Since when?

Artemis: A couple millenia ago.

Athena and Hermes: *exchange glances*

Hermes: We just got together a month ago.

Persephone: A month?! You've been together a month and you didn't say anything?!

Artemis: *blinks* There's no way it took you guys that long to figure it out. There's no fucking way.

Aphrodite: Wait, a month ago? You two were making out last July.

Apollo and Persephone: *jaws drop*

Athena: *blushes* Yeah, uh... I don't think they need to know that.

Aphrodite: Of course they do, dear.

Apollo and Persephone: *stare at Athena and Hermes*

Persephone: *suddenly bursts into tears and rushes to hug Athena and Hermes* I've been waiting for this day my entire life.

Apollo: Me too! *sobs and joins the hug*

Athena and Hermes: *glance at each other*

Hermes: *gives her a confused smile*

Athena: *awkwardly pats Persephone's back*

Poseidon, Demeter, and Hera: *walk into the room*

Hera: What's going on here?

Demeter: *looks worried* Persephone sweetheart, why are you crying?

Persephone: *smiles through her happy tears* 'Thena and Hermes are dating!

Hera: *gapes at them*

Poseidon: *slowly grins*

Demeter: *sighs and mutters* Oh, here we go.


Demeter and Hera: *groan*

Athena: *stares at everyone*

Hermes: *steps beside her and places his hand on her back* Was... was everyone betting on us this whole time?

Everyone: Yes.


A/N: BlueeCookiess dared Athena to tell their relationship to the other gods.

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