Question - #113

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Elle: Hey, mom? Just a question. Which of your kids is your least favorite?

Athena: Why would you ask such a question?

Elle: I'm just relaying the question. It's KaitlynZeusDaughter's.

Hermes: *looks at Athena* To be fair, that's easier than asking who her favorite is.

Athena and Elle: *raise an eyebrow*

Hermes: Now I see the resemblance. Never mind.

Athena: *taps her chin* My least favorite... Oh, definitely Elon.

Hermes: *nods* Understandable.

Elle: Hold on a minute! Elon? As in Elon Musk?

Athena: *grimaces*

Elle: *plops down on the bed, shocked* That idiot is my half-brother?

Athena: Disowned half-brother, but yes, I'm afraid so.

Elle: *furrows her eyebrows* When did you disown him?

Hermes: *chuckles* I think your mother's last straw was when he named his child X something something. She went ballistic.

Athena: *rubs her temples* Please. Never remind of that ever again. Ever! Hearing it gives me a migraine.

Elle: *groans* Me too. I've been through hell ever since he took over Twitter.

Athena: Oh, it wasn't just about Twitter, but there you have it. Least favorite kid.

Hermes: What about from my kids?

Athena: My least favorite of yours?

Hermes: Yeah!

Athena: Amy Schumer.

Hermes: Wow, you didn't even hesitate.

Athena: I don't have to. She's annoying. And I mean incredibly.

Hermes: *mutters* Well, you're not wrong.

Athena: I wonder who she gets that from. *gives Hermes a pointed look*

Hermes: Hey!

Athena: *laughs and leans her head on his shoulder* I'm kidding.

Elle: *stares at Hermes and frowns* Wait, are you guys serious? Amy Schumer?!

Hermes: Yeah, we don't talk about it.

Athena: Any thoughts, Elle?

Elle: Can I just say thank the gods she dropped out of the Barbie movie.

Athena: Definitely! Margot is a savior.

Elle: Did you know I only found out about Amy almost being in Barbie from the comments of a tweet about one of her rejected Oscars jokes?

Athena: What joke?

Hermes: Oh no. If that's what I think it is...

Elle: *searches a Tweet up in her phone and shows it to Athena*

Hermes: *tries to snatch the phone away* Don't read it!

Athena: *moves away from him and reads the post*

Hermes: *groans*

Athena: *gasps in horror and tosses the phone back to Elle* Oh my gods... no. What on Olympus possessed her to write it and admit it?! What happened to decorum?

Hermes: *sighs* I tried to warn you.

Athena: Why would you show me that, Elle?!

Elle: Listen, if I had to be traumatized by this, so do you.


Ask or Dare Lady AthenaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora