Dare - #83

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Elle: *looking through a stack of letters*

Hermes: Hey, what are you looking for?

Athena: *turns her head to look at Elle*

Elle: Dares and stuff. I found them buried under tons of mail and apparently, there was a lot we haven't gone through over the years.

Athena: Great. *rolls her eyes sarcastically*

Hermes: I love the enthusiasm.

Athena: *rolls her eyes and elbows him*

Elle: Here we go. *giggles*

Hermes: *reads the dare and starts laughing*

Athena: What? What is it?

Hermes: David0126 wants you to run around camp doing cartwheels, screaming that you love Percabeth, all while dressed in a cheerleading costume.

Athena: Oh my gods... I knew I should've burned those letters instead of hiding them.

Elle: I knew you had something to do with that.

Athena: *takes a deep breath before changing into a cheerleading outfit with pom poms and braids*

Hermes: *snaps a picture of her on his phone and smiles*

Athena: *groans and fixes her braid in the mirror* This is gonna be so embarrassing.


Percy: *scrapes some food at the fire and goes back to his table but stops in his tracks when he sees Athena standing in the distance* Lady Athena?

Everyone: *turn their heads to look at her*

Malcolm: Mom? What are you-

Athena: *suddenly does a bunch of cartwheels all over the place*

Chiron and Dionysus: *look at each other in confusion*

Everyone: *silently watches her in utter shock*

Connor: *snickers before covering his mouth with his hand*

Travis: *tries to stifle his own laugh but elbows him* Dude!


Annabeth: Oh my gods... MOM?! *buries her face in her hands*

Athena: *does another cartwheel before disappearing*

Percy: Uh... thanks for the support, I think?

Malcolm: What in the Underworld...

Annabeth: *groans in embarrassment*

Chiron: I seriously need to go lie down... *trots away in a daze*

Dionysus: *bursts into laughter*


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