Question - #4

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Elle: ChildOfChaos714 wants to know which side you would choose between Team Iron Man and Team Captain America.

Athena: *huffs* That's a hard one, actually. Tony and Steve made fair points.

Elle: *furrow her eyebrows*

Athena: *sighs* The amount of times I've seen these questions being asked on Twitter.

Elle: You're on Twitter?

Athena: *clears throat* Not the point...

Elle: *chuckles* Alright, fine. So, which team are you on?

Athena: Team Natasha. *smirks and raises an eyebrow knowingly*

Hermes: But that's not a -

Athena: Complete that sentence and I will not hesitate to smack you with the butt of my spear.

Hermes: *eyes widen* Uhm... let's go team Natasha!


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