Dare - #94

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Elle: Do you really think this will work?

Athena: *places a blue cookie on the floor* Of course it will. He'll fall for it and if he doesn't, well, we're gods. We'll find another way to trap him.

Elle: How does this work exactly?

Athena: He sees the cookie, goes towards it, trips on an invisible trigger that shrinks him and drops a paper bag to trap him.

Percy: *opens the door to his cabin*

Athena and Elle: *turn themselves invisible just in time*

Percy: *spots the blue cookie and walks towards it*

Athena: *chuckles quietly* This is too easy.

Percy: *trips on the trigger and yells in shock as he shrinks and sees the paper bag falling down towards him*

Athena: *walks towards the paper bag and turns it upright before opening it*

Percy: *groans dizzily before looking up* Lady Athena?

Elle: *peeks at him from behind Athena* And Elle! Hi, Percy!

Percy: Elle, uh... care to explain?

Elle: It's simple, really. We just want to see if you can get out of this paper bag on your own.

Percy: And the cookie?

Athena: *grins* It's bait, of course. But you can have it.

Elle: You should try it. Mom's chocolate chip cookies are the best.

Percy: Uh, thanks. It's a pretty big cookie too but how long are you keeping me here?

Athena: Depends on how long it will take for you to find a way out.

Percy: But Annabeth's waiting for me by the lake!

Athena: Then you better think fast.

*an hour later*

Elle: *looks up from her phone* Is he still in there?

Athena: *glances inside the bag* Yeah.

Percy: *eating some cookie crumbs* You weren't lying about these being good.

Elle: Aren't you supposed to be having a date with my sister by now?

Percy: I can't get out. I tried jumping and tipping the bag over but it won't budge.

Elle: *leans over and whispers to Athena* Did you take his sword away?

Athena: *shakes her head* No. I think he just forgot about it.

Percy: Give me a hint! What do I do?

Athena: *sighs* The solution is just right under your nose, Percy.

Elle: *laughs and stands up from the floor* I think I'm gonna go around camp. Maybe bother Annabeth so she doesn't come here looking for him.

Athena: *nods* Good call.

Percy: Elle! Don't leave! Come on, help me!

Elle: *opens the door and comes face-to-face with Hermes*

Hermes: *smiles widely* There you guys are. How do I loo —

Elle: *shrieks in surprise and punches him in the nose*

Hermes: *stumbles backwards* Ow! What was that for?!

Athena: *rushes to the door and jumps* Elle, what happ — who in the name of Hades?!

Hermes: *holding his nose and groaning in pain*

Athena: *raises a fist*

Hermes: Wait! Wait! Wait! Athena, stop! It's just me! *changes from his Lin Manuel Miranda look back to his regular form*

Athena: *lets out a sigh of relief and places a hand over her chest* You idiot! Don't ever do that again!


A/N: distantsubset21 dared Athena to bait Percy with a blue cookie and trap him inside a paper bag to see if he can find his way out of it.

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