Dare - #104

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Hermes: *taking a stroll through the courtyard*

Athena: *zooming towards him in a Kart* Out of the way! Out of the way!

Hermes: *jumps out of the way* Athena?!

Elle: *follows close behind in her own Kart* Hi Herm —

Luigi: *bumps into her before chasing after Athena in his Zip Zip*

Elle: *flies off her vehicle and lands next to Hermes*

Hermes: Elle! Are you okay?!

Elle: *groans in pain and sits up* I'm fine — oh, my arm!

Hermes: *blinks and taps into his phone* Yeah, you're not okay. I'm gonna call Apollo, just in c —

Elle: Of course I'm not okay! I just lost the race!

Hermes: Race? *stares after Athena and Luigi driving into one of Olympus' hallways*

Elle: I thought I was sure to win after taking that detour through Zeus and Hera's chambers... Instead, I only got traumatized for nothing. *shudders*

Hermes: *grimaces* So, was that Luigi I just saw? Like Super Mario Luigi?

Elle: *nods* Cherokeewoman3 wanted mom to meet him from a movie or game.

Hermes: And... she chose the Mario Kart Luigi, didn't she?

Elle: Well, no. I sort of asked her to.

Hermes: *raises an eyebrow at her* And she listened?

Elle: *huffs* Fine. I chose for her.

Apollo: *rushes up to them and looks at Hermes* You called?

Hermes: Uh, yeah. Can you check on Elle or something? She sort of flew off a vehicle just now.

Apollo: Huh? Here? As in... in Olympus?

Hermes and Elle: *nod*

Apollo: How does that even happen around h —

Athena and Luigi: *drive out of one of the nearby windows and crash straight into Apollo*

Apollo: *flies into one of the marble columns*

Hermes and Elle: *winces* Like that.

Athena and Luigi: *skid to a stop*

Athena: *takes her helmet off as she gets out of the Kart* I think I just won!

Luigi: *sighs and shakes her hand* You were a mighty opponent.

Athena: Thank you! *grins*

Apollo: But a terrible driver nonetheless. *whimpers in pain before falling unconscious*


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