Dare - #133

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Athena: *watching Percy and Annabeth from the side*

Percy: How long does your mom plan on staying here?

Annabeth: No clue at all...

Percy: You know what, let's just get this training over with. *draws out Riptide*

Athena: *gasps and rushes towards them* Stop!

Percy and Annabeth: What?

Athena: You need armor.

Annabeth: Mom, it's fine. We're just training.

Athena: The Camp Half-Blood handbook says you are required to wear you armor when training.

Percy: There's a Camp Half-Blood handbook?

Athena: *blinks* Yes. Did Chiron not give you one?

Percy: *shakes his head*

Athena: Well, I guess I'll have a word with him later. But in the meantime, please wear your armor.

Percy: But—

Athena: I insist.

Annabeth: Mom—

Athena: *gives her a hard look* I insist.

Percy and Annabeth: *look at each other and sigh*

Athena: *snaps her fingers and magically puts armor over their clothes* There. All better. Go on.

Percy and Annabeth: *lift their weapons and fix their stance*

Athena: Wait!

Annabeth: What?

Athena: Your weapons are kind of sharp.

Percy: *scratches his head* They're weapons. They're supposed to be sharp.

Athena: Not on my watch. *turn their weapons into sword-shaped balloons*

Annabeth: Mom! Are these really necessary?!

Athena: Of course!

Percy and Annabeth: *look at each other*


Annabeth: Mom. This is getting too much.

Athena: *slicing Annabeth's steak into bite-sized pieces* Whatever do you mean?

Annabeth: *stares at her*

Athena campers: *also stare at her*

Athena: Oh! I see!

Annabeth: *sighs with relief*

Athena: It is too much! Why, this is still a choking hazard. I'll make better use of this food for you, don't worry, my dear. *stuffs the steak into a blender and makes it into a smoothie*

Annabeth: *mutters under her breath* Kill me.


A/N: Kezialove772002 dared athena to dote on annabeth like an overprotective mom.

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