Dare - #73

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Athena: *appears in Camp Half-Blood and walks around*

Dionysus: *sips his Diet Coke* Ah, to what do we owe this visit, dearest sister?

Athena: *rolls her eyes at him* Quit the formalities, Dion. It was never your thing to begin with. I'm here to see my kids.

Dionysus: *snorts* They're at the campfire, which I prefer not to go to anymore. Those little brats keep singing the same songs over and over-

Athena: *walks away from him, towards the direction of the campfire*

Chiron: *spots her and stands up* Lady Athena!

Campers: *turn their heads, stop whatever they're doing, and scramble to bow*

Athena: No, no. No need. Annabeth, come here.

Everyone: *looks at Annabeth*

Annabeth: *raises her eyes and slowly walks towards her* Is everything alright, mom?

Athena: *looks at everyone* Good evening, campers. I just want to make a quick announcement.

Annabeth: *catches Percy's eye*

Percy: *mouths* What did you do?

Annabeth: *gives him a confused look and shakes his head*

Athena: *puts her hands on Annabeth's shoulders and grins* If you guys don't already know, I really love my daughter, Annabeth Chase right here, so very much!

Annabeth: *eyes widen*

Malcolm: Gee, mom! Thanks!

Athena campers: *start arguing*

Everyone else: *awkwardly looks at each other*

Dionysus: *walks up behind Athena and snickers* Don't worry, we all have favorites, but I must say, wise choice, goddess of wisdom.

Athena: *stomps her foot and glares at him* Oh, shut up, Dionysus!


A/N: Kezialove772002 dared Athena to proclaim how much she loves Annabeth in front of the camp.

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