Chapter 4: Indecent offer

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I manage to last a week before the need to see Knox's face overtakes me. I just have to see him again, I am visiting the general store where they are stationed more often than necessary, just so I can have a glimpse of the hot soldier. I have to say in all the times I have tried to inconspicuously see him, I only saw him a handful of times and he only smiled, nothing more, he looked rather busy. It isn't much response from him but it is encouragement enough to do it again and again just so I can get a smile from him.

I can see that the UN soldiers have made camp next to the abandoned buildings. It looks like they are also using these building for other military stuff, I don't know what stuff that is, but they look like important things.

The general store owner, Mr Phiri, a gangly, skinny, ashen looking fifty something year old also notices my many visits to his store and I've noticed him leering at me. He creeps me out, he seems harmless though, so I don't let him worry me much.

His twenty two year old son Jason on the other hand, is another story. He harasses me every time he sees me, when no-one is looking or when there are no people around.

Jason and I went to school together; he was only a year ahead of me because he kept repeating grades. He bullied me at school or wherever he thought people would not notice.

Last time I saw him, he pinched my bum and when I jumped away from his reach he moved his arm pretending to want to help me and brushed his hand on my breast giving me an evil grin. His father and mother were there and they pretended not to see it. This has been going on for a while and I fear one day he will take it further. Last time he did it, I told my mother, who in turn told my father about it. After that Jason disappeared and I haven't seen him ever since, I think my dad had something to do with him going away.

To be fair, Jason is not actually bad looking, he's average looking with nothing outstanding on him. He could get any girl he wants here. He has money (more than any of us) and he is popular, most likely because of that bit of money. If he was actually serious about a relationship he'd easily find a willing girl and leave me alone.

His father's ogling looks towards me are not yet to an extent that I'd worry, they're just creepy, he's probably just bored, and there isn't much to do in our village. I'll ignore him unless he becomes threatening or physical.

So here I am again today, buying pads that I don't need just so I can have a sneak peek at the soldiers camp. I'm so busy trying to see a certain someone that I don't notice Mr Phiri stand next to me, right in my space, so close that if I turned in his direction, my boobs would brush some part of his body.

''Will that be all Maya?'' he suddenly asks almost in a whisper and he's so close I can smell his breath, it is unpleasant.

''Ahh yeah thanks'' I responded moving away, giving myself some space.

''Well that will be $2.95, but that's ok it's on the house'' He says with a very disturbing smile like he's trying too hard to impress, not like 'my' Knox's gentle genuine smile...did I just think of him as mine?

''It's ok I have the money to pay'' I say as I hand the money to him.

''I insist Maya let me buy this for you, it's the least I can do to help your family especially with your father gone, I'd like to take care of you, your mama and brother in any way I can.'' He says closing his hand on top of mine. Eww, even his hand is cold and lifeless.

I just nod; I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. I know I shouldn't have agreed but I just need to get out of the store. I wanted to rush out as there was movement at the Knox camp and I thought I saw him talking to one of the guys. I just wanted to say 'hi' to him and get my Knox fix but Mr Phiri was engrossed in his conversation with my absent mind.

''I will come and visit you soon, just to make sure your family is going ok. We need to look out for each other in such hard times.''

''Ah ha'' I nod absently. My body is still in the shop but my mind is already outside. If Mr Phiri noticed, he didn't say a word.

''Perfect, I will see you tomorrow'' he says walking away.

On my way out, Knox actually sees me and walks over, he looks good in a t-shirt and trackies, I guess he was in training.

''Hello Maya, it's been a while, should you be out here on your own?'' he asks

''You know, this reminds me of the first time we met. You asked the same question, is that all you can ask me? Are you worried about my welfare Knox?''

''Nope, just being neighbourly, see you around,'' he strides away and I'm left standing there wondering what went wrong, no flirting, no cheeky grins nothing.


Mr Phiri, the slime that he is, came to our house and made sure we understood that without an adult male in the family we were vulnerable to all kinds of dangers and that he was willing to step up and help us out. In his mind I was the bridge to that safe life he offered.

''Mr Phiri, I understand what you're proposing but I think my husband will be back and you have your wife and family to think about. I can never allow that for Maya. She deserves to be with a man that'll cherish her and only her.'' Mum said to Mr Phiri trying to be calm but I could see she was getting agitated.

''Maybe Maya can decide what she wants, your husband has been gone for almost a month and realistically there is a higher chance he may not come back and this is a solution to a future problem,'' he said smugly.

At this time I had enough and I just butted in, ''Mr Phiri with all due respect that you've not extended to us, I'm not going to be your second wife or anyone's wife. We are doing fine the way we are and if we have any problems we will face them on our own. Dad WILL COME BACK AND HE WILL DEAL WITH YOU, PERV. Please leave our house.'' Politeness be damned.

Mr Phiri gets up and I can tell he is mad.

''This offer will not be on the table for much longer, you're not going to survive without me, you'll see''. He yells back and slams the door on his way out.

Once he leaves, mum starts crying, all body shaking sobs, she'd been holding in for a while but our guest decided to just burst her hope bubble. Mum and dad were.... ARE... soulmates and instead of people trying to give her some hope, they look at her with sympathy. I hold my mum's hands and try to soothe her. Hope is slowly fading as we haven't heard anything yet, nothing. I can almost see my mum's heart breaking with every day that goes by without any news about dad. They say no news is good news but in this case, no news is bad news, it means the worst has probably happened.

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