Chapter 53: Family reaction

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Just because its a Friday.... here's another chapter.

Knox's POV

I have to admit, my dreams last night were filled with joyous squeals of my son. I am a parent and I am proud of it. I thought the highlight of my life was the success of my first resort project in Vietnam, but my son has surpassed that. I just couldn't contain my joy especially when he finally wanted me to hold him, even better when he called me daddy. It's a feeling no one can actually describe to you. It's great.

Now I am on the flight to Sacramento and I need a plan on telling my family. I can't just drop this massive news on their lap during family lunch. I don't even know how to start the conversation. I finally decide to ask Ari for advice.

That's the first thing I do when I get home. I drop my bags in my room and head straight to Ari's room. I know she is asleep but she will have to wake up. She will hate me but she will get over it.


"Hey Ari, wakey wakey." I say plonking myself on her bed and shaking the whole bed in the process.

"What? What are you doing in here? What time is it?" She says groggily reaching for her cell phone, to look at the time.

"It's almost half past seven. Please wake up. I really need to talk to you." I try begging, knowing she will eventually give in.

"Fine, give me a few minutes to use the bathroom." She says leaving her room heading into her bathroom.

"What do you want?" She snaps at me. She definitely is not a morning person.

"I need your advice."

"Really. What do you need?" she looks suspiciously at me.

"Where do I start? Umm you remember last week when you rang me to tell me about the little boy with a mom named Maya?" I ask, squeezing my hands together.

"Yes, I think Maya was the mom's name. So?" She responds un-enthusiastically.

"Well... ummm... that Maya is my Maya." I say looking at her as she turns abruptly to look at me.

"What no! What do you mean? Your Maya is black and is around. I thought you said she was out of the country? How did you not know she was around if you're dating?" She looks confused.

"Long story, but the gist of it is, I met Maya when I was in the army. Remember my last post in Sousu?" she nods and I continue.

"Well, Maya and I had some sort of relationship when I was there. I got in trouble and was sent back here. You remember the rest." I say trying to shorten this conversation.

"But she said she is from Kenya?" She says still looking like she doesn't believe me.

"Yes they left their home and were refugees in Kenya for a few years. A few months ago they got resettled here."

"Oh ok, so what do you want from me?" She questions.

"Well the little boy she was..."

"Oh my God he is your son isn't he?" Ari cuts me off.


"Mom was right. Wait till she finds out. She will die of excitement. Oh my God I am an aunt." Ari gushes on and on and I have to stop her.

"This is why I need your help." I ask looking in her eyes.

"Of course, anything." She offers.

"How do you think I should tell the family? I don't want to just blurt it over lunch?" I ask Ari.

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