Chapter 55: I will do whatever it takes...

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This is a long one....

Knox's POV

Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. That's all I can think to say right now. My meddlesome mom arghhhh.

Mom rang me a few minutes ago to tell me about the chat she had with Maya. When she asked for her number, I thought she was just going to help her see why we need a paternity test. I specifically told her not to mention anything about the wedding until I talk to her first. Our conversation went like this:

"I talked to Maya, what a lovely girl she is. I have a feeling some lucky man will snatch her up soon. She will not be on the market for a long time." I groan knowing exactly where she's headed with this line of conversation.

"That's good mom. She deserves a good guy. It's just not going to be me if that's what you were thinking." I say cutting her off.

Even though I'd like to give a try with Maya, I will not let my mom dictate how and when that happens.

"Oh you're so blind. Anyway she said you can contact her and let her know when you need the tests done. She was very understanding about the whole thing. I don't understand why you kept telling me that she is strong headed and refused to hear you out." Mom says with indignation.

"I don't know, maybe she hates me." I know I sound like a kid but I can't help it.

"Well you just need to be patient with her. You have no idea what she has been through so you pushing your agenda all the time is not going to make her listen to you. She will just retreat into a protection mode and close off. You have to remember that in the future. She will do anything to protect her son." Mom whispers the last few words.

"Got it. I will go easy on her." I agree with her. It does make sense what she's saying.

"Anyway she has agreed to be at the wedding with her family. I am surprised you didn't tell her about it. I thought we talked and agreed on it? Their invite is being hand delivered right this moment." She questions.

"Yes we did but I was going to tell her another day." I feel so blindsided right now.

"Oh and we would like to meet her family officially before the wedding don't you think." She says sweetly.

"Mom, about the wedding, have you considered how Maya and her family will feel. They don't know anyone and they will feel out of place. They won't be dressed like the rest of the people there and there's a chance the paparazzi will be there. We're thrusting them into the lion's den here Mom." I feel very strongly about this.

I don't want Maya to run from me now that she is here. This life is not something I can see her agreeing to. She will not want anything to do with me once she realises what a ridiculous society I was born into.

"Don't worry, she will meet the family before the wedding and then Ari will take her shopping. She will enjoy time out with another girl closer to her age I am sure."

"If you say so. I will ask her when we can all meet. It will have to be here in San Diego though."

"Of course darling. See you soon." She disconnects the phone as soon as I say bye.

Now I am sitting on my desk banging my head on the table wondering how Maya's family will go unnoticed at the wedding. It's impossible. The girls here will devour Maya like a fresh piece of meat. It will be worse once they realise she is the mother of my child.

I am sure Maxine will just love that. I don't think Maya will stand a chance with the b*tchiness and viciousness that these girls are capable of.

I know they wouldn't touch my son, but the paparazzi will. I can't hide him either. I am not ashamed of him. I just need a way to introduce him to the world without being ambushed. This is getting complicated. I will let my lawyers and the company PR team work the details.

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