Chapter 64: Looking to the future

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Knox's POV

Since the last time I saw Maya, at the airport waving me goodbye, I couldn't help but envision this happening every time I go somewhere. I would even prefer having her with me but I know with her career on the rise, she will not want to be travelling with me and leave work all the time.

We have talked to each other every day, night time for her, after she has put Aiden to bed. We are a normal couple and I am loving this. She honestly tells me about her day and I have been opening up to her. Once in a while, I have even confessed to some nightmares that I've had since my time in the army. They are not that frequent but once in a while they re-surface.

I have managed to get her mother and brother's approval to ask Maya for a hand in marriage. The ring is organized and all I have to do is collect it on my way from the airport and pop the question tomorrow. I can't wait any longer. I want her to be my wife as soon as I can.

Yesterday I picked the ring for Maya. I'm glad my sister went with me. We managed to book a time when the business was closed, we had an after hours meeting with the jewellery shop manager. I'm glad I had an idea of what Maya likes otherwise we'd have been in there for a longer time. Maya doesn't like ridiculous over the top too big, jewellery. She thinks they are over the top and flashy. I know this because of what Ari said and because I'd like to think I know her by now. I've decided even if I buy her a small ring, I will make it worth her while.

The store manager was very helpful that we purchased the ring on the same night. He was a happy seller.

Now the ring has been purchased and stored in my safe, I just need to beat the nerves i suddenly have and propose tomorrow. In two weeks we will be travelling to Africa and I plan on enjoying the trip with Maya as my fiancee. As soon as Maya told me that her leave was approved, I booked the tickets to our adventures. I know I could've asked my PA to do it but I want this to be personal and I'm not sure I'm up to that level of trust with her yet. I've blocked out the days in my calendar with no explanation. I know she's itching to ask me where I'm going but I won't let her know yet. Only my immediate family are aware of my plans and they know this is not public knowledge yet.


Today is just one of those days. I feel flat. It doesn't matter how much coffee or sugar I consume, I'm not feeling up to doing anything.

I knew I should have stayed in bed, buried under my covers because as soon as I walk out my front door I'm blinded by flashes and confronted by the paparazzi. I know there is a time when this was a weekly occurrence but I've gone for months without them bothering me. This worries me because I know I haven't done anything to attract their attention, which only leaves 2 other people, Maya and Aiden. I start to panic as I search for my phone.

Everything they are asking me, I don't understand, they may as well be speaking gibberish.

Maya doesn't answer her phone, this makes me even more desperate and frantic. Just as I am about to call my office so my PA can find out what's happening, my phone rings and it's my PR manager. I brace myself for the news.

I answer the phone and forego the formalities choosing instead to get right onto it.

"You better be calling to let me know what's going on." I bark into the phone. I am getting shuffled mercilessly by the paparazzi.

I finally make it to my car and I suddenly feel a little safe. I lock the doors and continue with the phone conversation in the privacy of my car.

"Look sorry, we didn't think this would get this much attention...."

"I f****n hate being blindsided. What the f**k is going on and why am I being chased by these vultures. You speak now or I will fire you right now." I growl into the phone.

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