Chapter 48: FINALLY!!! Knox meets Maya

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I have to admit, I've never wished for a weekend to end so quickly. I thought going back to Sacramento would take my mind off things, mainly Maya, but I was very sadly mistaken.

Mom wasn't helping, during our Saturday family dinner she talked nonstop about the little boy she saw in the reception. Ari knew what she was talking about but no one else had an idea and so Mom had to repeat the story in detail. Every time she talked about that little boy I just felt like a piece of me was breaking. If he is Maya's son, then Maya could be in love with someone. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I refrained, mainly because I didn't want anyone to suspect until I was sure of what's going on myself.

I left Sacramento yesterday, even though I normally leave on Monday early morning on the red eye. I just could not be at home. I want to solve this mystery before it absorbs and consumes my life.


Today is Monday and I am in the office an hour earlier than I would normally. I actually had to hold myself back from starting even earlier.

At nine o'clock I start my investigation with a phone call to the internship manager, Melanie.

"Morning Melanie. How are you, and how was your weekend?" I try for civil before I delve into the reason for my call.

"It was good and relaxing, thank you for asking. How about yours? She asks politely.

"Not too bad." I respond.

What can I do for you today?" She goes straight to the question.

"Could you please send me the current trainees' files and their work so far?" I ask hoping I don't sound too desperate. I have to maintain some form of decorum here.

"Our trainees sir, ahh let's see, David is doing his final week with us this week and he is in Finance, Maya is in purchasing this week. Is everything ok sir?" I can tell she is puzzled at my request.

"Everything is fine. I just need to look through them just in case we need to employ them. As you already know we have a number of new positions coming up, I think this will be a perfect solution, wouldn't you agree. In future who knows, we may even add the number of trainees we take per year." I know Melanie is excited about my suggestions as she starts gushing on about how wonderful some of these trainees are. In reality I'm only interested in one.

"That is a great idea sir. I will get the files to you right away sir." She sounds too happy.

"Good, thank you." I say and put the phone back in its cradle.

Now I need to calm down and get up to make my own coffee. Yes, I make my own coffee, and by the time I sit back in front of my laptop, Melanie has already emailed me the personnel files I asked for.

I know I asked for both the trainees' files when I only need to see one. I couldn't ask for one and run the risk of raising suspicion.

I open the document and go straight to personal details. I just want to confirm if she is the same Maya or if I'm just wasting my time.

I read through the details, skipping the ones I felt were irrelevant.

Name: Maya Muti (Ok, now I know her last name)

Address: .... Lemon Grove, San Diego

Date of birth: 19 September .......

Place of birth: Charter Hospital, Charter, Sousu...

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