Chapter 39: The engagement party .... of the century.

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Knox's POV

I am glad that I only got to see Maxine three times in the past three months. I had to threaten my brother that if he made me meet up with just Maxine, I'd quit being his best man. He knows I'm not a big fan of Maxine and that I am very serious about quitting. Every time Maxine organised a catch up, I will either postpone or cancel. The ones I attended, Jordan was there as a buffer and we left as soon as we were done. I don't have time to waste with her.

I can tell I have matured a lot. If this was the old me, before the army, I would have banged her the minute she batted her eyes at me and I'd have not so nicely dropped her. Maxine is not the person I'd feel comfortable doing anything with. I have a feeling she would trap a guy into a relationship just so she can keep him. Right now I think she only likes me because she is looking for money. I'm trying not to be too rude to her for the sake of my brother's fiancé.

I woke up dreading the day today. The engagement party is on this afternoon and that means spending the whole afternoon in Maxine's proximity. I got up early so I can read reports from work whilst I'm having my morning coffee. As per my usual routine, I take my work and coffee into the lounge room so I can watch the news as well. Well, it's not really watching the news, I just like the background noise. Once in a while I will lift my eyes to see what happening but I don't really concentrate on it until I hear the name Sousu.

I look up quickly and the news is not good at all. According to the reporter,

"Continuing on our major developing story In Sousu, there is a tribal war that has been simmering for months."

I know this because Mike mentioned it when we were emailing each other.

The reporter continues, "The majority tribe, the Nguku, has gone on a rampage slaughtering the minority tribe accusing them of squandering the country's riches. Last week a coup started when the army general, commander, and some of his Nguku followers  took it upon themselves to "redistribute the country's resources, and in doing so, overthrowing the president as he is a Tinga. As more politicians got involved events turned chaotic.

The Nguku are being encouraged to take whatever they want from the Tinga as they are believed to have been living in luxury whilst ignoring the Nguku. The Nguku feel it is now their time to rule the country. A number of people have been killed and some are making their way into bordering countries for protection. We will continue with the newscast at our 8am broadcast."

I switch the television so I can finish my work but my heart is breaking for the people of Sousu. I would really like to do something to help. The more I think about it, the more I wonder where Maya has gone. I know she is not in Sousu and therefore not in immediate danger. I hope she's ok wherever she ended up being. Mike only said they left them at the border of Kenya so she could be anywhere in Kenya or another country right now.

By the time the afternoon arrives I am in a foul mood. My family have been avoiding me like a plague since this morning. Ari has resorted to making contact via text. I know they are all worried but at this time I don't want to share with them my troubles.

Just before we leave, Maxine's car pulls up in our driveway. Well that just makes my life great doesn't it? Apparently mom thought it would be a great idea if we all went together, in one car. She struts over to our waiting car. She is looking particularly hot this afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the girl but I'm not blind as to ignore how fantastic she looks. She's got on a red sleeveless dress with lace all over. It's short at the front and quite long at the back. She has paired it off with a seriously sexy pair of heels. It's not just me who notice how well Maxine is looking, I can hear my mom and sister gushing on about how fantastic she looks.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon