Chapter 32 - The Wedding

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Living in a tent and having a baby was one of the hardest things we had to endure. The lack of privacy is exposed significantly. Unfortunately the baby wakes up every 2 hours at night and screams until he gets all the attention he needs. He is so loud that Nora and her family can hear him at night. My poor brother wakes up a couple of times at night and the next morning he is always sluggish and tired to go to school. Once thing I am sure of is that Aiden has a good set of lungs.

Mum has been a great help. She wakes up in the morning and looks after the baby whilst I'm sleeping. She will only wake me up when he is ready for a feed. She tries to comfort me by saying 'it will be ok soon'. I'd like to believe it but sometimes it's just too much. Nora as always has been a constant support. She and Lungi bought the baby a few clothes and a manual breast pump. She says Lungi paid for most of it, I'm glad they did because I didn't have to spend more money buying one. I'm not sure when I'll use the breast pump, but Nora is adamant that I will find it useful soon.

After almost 3 weeks I can start to see a few features on the baby that are either me or Knox. Well, I don't really but Nora and mum have been pointing at a few things like the eyes or the nose or the jaw. I just think it's too early to pin point who he looks like. Babies change constantly anyway.

Aiden is finally beginning to settle better at night time. He wakes up at least twice and as soon as I give him my breast to feed, he quietens and falls back to sleep. I have to say, I feel so much better now as I know that the neighbours are not being woken up by his cries at some godforsaken hour. Even my little brother has been sleeping through and wakes up in a good mood.

My love for this baby is indescribable, incomparable to anything I've ever experienced. He is so handsome and I'm not saying that because I'm his mother. Even when he is crying and I don't know what to do, I still love him. One thing I can never get used to is the soiled nappies. Unfortunately I can't afford to use disposable nappies all the time so when I am at home, I use cloth nappies on him. Disposables are for when we leave the house. Cleaning cloth nappies has given me an even greater appreciation for my mum. Mum tries to make me feel better by saying,

"Don't worry, it will get worse when he starts eating solids and believe me, that poo will smell just like yours. You will still need to clean and wash the nappy. At that time, you will have an even greater appreciation of what I did for you as a baby." She finishes with a smile, like she knows a secret and she's not going to tell me.

"I can't imagine it getting worse than this. I'm struggling as it is, but you are here so you can handle that part right?" I ask trying to be cute but failing miserably.

"Nope, I'm grandma, and all I have to do is play and pass him back to you for a feed and change. Isn't that so my little man. Gogo (grandma) will spoil you and play with you, but when you do the business, we hand you over to mummy." Mum coos at Aiden.


Time flies so quickly and before I know it, I'm going to my 6 week post-natal appointment. I dress my little boy in cool clothes as it is warm outside and put him on my back (like a good African woman). Aiden has no problems being on my back. He seems to settle better when mum and I carry him like that. I also bring and umbrella to shade us from the sun. When I get to the clinic, the nurse fusses over the baby. She tells me how handsome he is and how well I am doing. The baby has gained a bit of weight which she is happy about. She also gets to examine my stiches and tells me I have healed nicely and gets to work on removing the stitches.

Almost 2 hours later, we leave the clinic and I head off to my work to show the baby to Edmond and a few of my colleagues that care to see him. I still have a week and a half before I have to be at work.

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