Never laugh at someone's misfortune, lest it befalls on you.

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It's not long before I start showing. There's only so much I can hide now. It's hard to hide a bump that is 24 weeks old. Because of the weather and the heat, I'm restricted to wearing light clothing and that doesn't help to hide my growing tummy. I have since given up trying to hide my bump. Mum had to break the news about my pregnancy to my brother whose only reaction was;

"Yay we're going to have a baby, I will teach him to play soccer and to read and write."

We had to disappoint him by letting him know that it could be a girl but there was no dampening his mood, he clearly made his thoughts known.

"Girls can play soccer too and they can do everything boys do. I will teach her anyway and she will be gooder than the boys here." He says with determination.

"Not gooder darling, better, you say better ... okay." Mum tries to correct my brother but I doubt he heard anything because he was still chatting a million miles an hour. His infectious joy was definitely catchy, I spend the whole day smiling and rubbing my tummy constantly. Once in a while I'd find mum daydreaming and smiling as well.

I love my brother, he really does make this place much more bearable, he is a light in dark situations.

Our neighbours, mostly the people from our village, had the most puzzled looks. They could see I was definitely pregnant but some could not figure out when it happened. Others managed to figure out that it must have been the muzungu as he was the only male person they ever saw me with. A few very lost ones thought it must have been Jason as he so loved me and maybe I managed to reciprocate the love and unfortunately we have now been separated.

If people asked, they asked Nora or my mother, no one came openly to me to find answers. At first Nora was denying everything until I gave her permission to tell them if they ask. I'd rather they know the truth now as they will find out anyway once the baby is born.

There are always rumours floating about and I know this week most of that will be about me but if there's one thing I've learnt in the month and a half I've been here, it's that there is a lot of things happening and there is always something new to replace old news. Soon they will not be thinking about me.

My fear was that I'd lose my job if they found out about my pregnancy but Edmond eased my worry by telling me that there is nothing to worry about until I stop doing my job properly or when I decide to give up the job. There is no way I am going to give up my job unless I get something much better, which doesn't look like it will happen in this place anyway.

I am beginning to worry about Nora. I've noticed that Mahad is giving her more attention than his wife and I would hate it if Nora reverted back to her old way. I know she has started working at the hospital doing 2 days a week. The pay is not great but it is something she didn't have. It is an honest way to make money that on her back. I decide that I will ask her instead of making things up in my head.

It didn't take long before Nora and I were catching up. She normally comes in to collect me on Sundays in the morning so we can take a walk, get water and do all the manual work before it gets hot. The people who have been here for long have been predicting rain and so we are all looking forward to see what that will do to this dust bowl. Because of my ever growing belly, mum has relegated me to doing minor duties that do not involve heavy lifting. I feel like I'm slacking and leaving my mum to do the majority of the work.

When Nora and I finally get a minute to talk, she is excited about her job. It's a cleaning job but she is happy about it. Her talking about her job make a clear way for me to ask about Mahad. I hope she knows that he is not as clean as he looks, literary.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Where stories live. Discover now