It's a quickie

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Thank you @cuztedoz for editing. I appreciate it.

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I always thought having sex would change me, that I'd feel different, womanlier. I was disappointed to realise that nothing changed. The only difference between the me, pre-sex and the me post-sex is the lingering sweetness between my legs. A bit of an itch that needs to be scratched. I really need Knox to scratch it.

It's been 2 days and I have been looking for opportunities to sneak out and see Knox. Mum is watching me like a hawk. I think she is suspicious of what I've been up to. My mum knows everything that goes on around her, she's good like that.

My chance came when our electricity got cut off because of non-payment. I'm not happy about this happening as it adds more stress to my mum, but it's an opportunity for me to get out. Ever since dad left we have been struggling financially and no one can help us. We have a small garden that we look after and mum sells the little that we get from our garden and being a garden it means the money is seasonal. She also gets money from her sewing but that is not much to keep a household going. Now I can definitely say that we are poor, however we've never gone a day without food. When dad was around, he used to be a teacher, once the school was closed because of the war, he was working doing odd jobs here and there and that kept us in relative comfort. Now that he's not here, we've plunged into poverty and we keep falling further in. I don't know what I can do to help mum. I can sew but not as well as mum. I can't go out there and work in the men's industry, they never hire women. The society is adamant that women are household keepers and child bearers, nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway, today mum is desperate, she is very busy sewing so she asks me to go and buy candles to use in the house and to fetch firewood so we can use for cooking. I finally have my chance to go and see Knox. I am a bit apprehensive about going to Mr Phiri's shop and seeing Jason again but I can't walk all the way to the next village to buy candles and make it in time to fetch firewood when it's still light outside so I opt for the enemy store. I try and make myself forget about Jason by imagining seeing Knox again. That is worth whatever Jason has planned; anyway he can't do anything in public.

Before I get into the store, I see a group of soldiers standing around, smoking a little ways away from the store. I recognise 'doc' immediately and then I see Knox sauntering in my direction amid loud catcalls and interesting words and gestures from his mates. I guess they now know about us. I give a shy wave to the group as Knox catches up to me.

''Hey, how are you doing?'' he asks putting his hands on my shoulder to stop me.

''I'm ok, you?'' I say looking down as my whole body starts to heat up. Knox's hands on me reminds me of our lovemaking. I'm suddenly feeling amorous.

''Your mum let you out today?'' he says grinning.

''Yep, and I'm going to make the most of it,'' I say looking up and grinning back at him.

''Well I can certainly help with that, if you're up for it?''

''Off course, when?'' I ask too quickly. My lady parts spasm with the knowledge of an impending coitus rendezvous.

''Go get what you need and I'll meet you out here and we will sort something out,''he says still with a big smile on his handsome face.

My shopping is not as adventurous as I thought it would have been. No sign of Jason and Mr Phiri was out back. His wife served me, we only exchanged pleasantries and I left. Not bad for my first day out, nothing traumatic happened. As I was walking toward Knox, I suddenly wondered how long they would be in our village. The village has been relatively safe from the rebels and the government is in control of the mine once again. There haven't been any further fighting in our village and life seems to have moved on for those that didn't lose anything. It doesn't look like we need to be protected at this moment. But I know better, this always happens. The rebels always find a reason to start a war and overthrow the government.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Where stories live. Discover now