Chapter 62: Epilogue (1)

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6 months later

Knox's POV

I knew that my travelling out of the country was going to affect my relationship with Maya but what am I to do. I have laid out my heart and she is taking her time to realise that I am not leaving her.

I have decided to give her the space. Don't get me wrong, she is pleasant, I have all the time I want with my son. My family has been a constant in her life and they love her. I am travelling to Thailand this time to scope yet another resort and this time I will only be gone for two weeks to start with.

I feel I have given Maya all the time she needs to trust that I will not leave her but I cannot force her to recognise it and I will not hold her back from moving on. Yesterday I told her of my impending work commitment and as sad as it was that I will not be seeing my son for that time, I feel that I need to do this not just for Maya but for me as well. Aiden is now two and a half years old and I still remember the day he turned two.

We organised a little family party and it was so good. I felt so close to the family. That party bonded both our families and I thought it brought Maya and I closer together. Aiden's love for me and my family is like he has known us from birth. He loves spending time with his Grammy and Grampa and the feeling is mutual. Dad has been hinting at retiring so he can rest and spend more time with the grandkids, yes he said grandkids. I'm not sure what he is hinting at, unless Steph and Jordan have a secret they're hiding.

As I'm packing my bag, I also realise, I really want to have more time with my son. Maybe live in the same house with Maya or have Aiden do more sleepovers. Right now, I'm actually thinking twice about my trip. I know I promised him that I'll call everyday, but I don't think that's what he wants. I'm excited that the last six months or so I have managed to see him grow. He now has a lot of phrases and cute little words. I can hear and understand what he is saying, and he listens when I say something, sometimes.

I recheck my bag to see if I've got everything, including a picture of me and Aiden. Maya took this picture, in fact, Maya has been taking a lot of pictures ever since Mathias and I gave her a camera for her birthday. She loved that present, you'd think I gave her a luxury car. I love that about her. She finds joy in the simplest of things and she appreciates what she has.

My office and my parent's home are now filled with pictures that she has taken, and she is pretty talented if I may say so myself. I have visited her work a few times and she is doing so well. She loves her job and she has made a number of friends there. It's good to see her acting her age.

I am looking forward to seeing her tonight at Ari's birthday drinks. She and Ari have definitely hit it off so much so that Ari is here at least once a month. She has well and truly claimed one of the spare rooms at Maya's as hers. I did ask her to stay at the resort if she wanted to, but she insisted that she didn't want to spend her time travelling to and from instead of playing with her nephew.

I know that at the birthday drinks there will be a few of Ari's friends from Sacramento coming to celebrate with her. Mom and Dad are not coming this time. They have promised to celebrate with her when she returns home.

Once the party is done, I'm hoping I don't have to drive drunk girls to their homes as I have an early morning flight out of here. I realise that I am not as excited about leaving as I would have been a year ago. I just know that I will miss Maya and I will definitely miss my little chatterbox. I am hoping to have a chat with Maya today so that we just clear a few things. Yes, we have been getting closer, but what exactly does she want where does she see us in the future. I think once I have these answers, I will be able to plan forward. At the moment, it's hard to see my future without her. Gees, she's got me by the balls......

Sorry short chapter... next one is very long though.

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