Chapter 47: Surely It Can't be

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Knox's POV

Once Ari and Mom leave, I get down to doing some work I have been neglecting for a while. I only managed to return to my room after eight. I am using one of the resort rooms to stay in. It's easier to do things when I am on site.

I just opened my door when my cell phone rings.

"Hi Ari, whatsup?" I answer the phone putting my bag down and pulling my tie off.

"Not much, how did everything go after I left. I'm sorry I left, I just needed to go do something different for a while, plus Mom was getting a little restless in there." She says apologising.

"I totally understand. Thanks for showing her around by the way. I know Mom cannot stay in one place for long. She's like a kid that way." I say accepting her apology.

"Speaking of kids, Mom is so clucky. She saw this little kid in the reception and she is totally taken by that little boy. I mean, she talked about how adorable he is and oh how she wishes she had kids around the house again. It was tiring and I'm glad she won't see him again otherwise she will totally steal that kid. But the kid is very cute so I forgave her." Ari giggles into the phone

"What was a kid doing in the reception? Were they checking in?" I ask wondering why she is telling me this.

"No, his mom works here, and no she said she is a trainee or something. This is why I'm ringing you." Ari says taking a breather.

"You want me to give her a job? I hope you're not trying to set me on a date. Because you and Mom can just go and jump into a river." I say feeling apprehensive about my sister's call now.

"Noooo, I wouldn't do that to you. It's just that, well, she said her name is Maya and I just thought of you. I figured she isn't your Maya because well she isn't from around here plus she's black, well I mean she's African." Ari stumbles through her words and I am about to laugh at her until she said the girl is African. Pictures of my Maya flash through my mind, even though I know my Maya is far away from here.

"Where in African is she from?" I decide to amuse my sister.

"Don't worry about it. I just wanted to let you know I have found someone with a name similar to your girlfriend. This one said she's from Kenya so I figured that given the fact that she has a kid she definitely is not yours. That's all." Ari closes the subject.

My heart is pumping faster and I am afraid to dare or hope.

"Hang on a minute, what does she look like? I mean did you talk to her? And you say she has a kid?" I know I'm probably scaring my sister but I have a niggling feeling, well there's a 50% change it's her or maybe not.

"Yes, yes and yes. Geeze you sound like you're about to jump out of your skin. What's up?" Ari sounds concerned so I decide to tone it down.

"No nothing, I just need to go to the gym or run or something." I say trying to get her off the phone.

"Ok then, I will see you in Sacramento when you get back. I am leaving tomorrow with Mom." She says and disconnects the phone.

Can this be real, I think to myself, can Maya be here in my company and under my nose and I wouldn't know. I begin to open my laptop quickly open the organisational work chart. I can't see her name on any of the pages I'm opening. Was Ari making it up, why can't I see her name.

I start to go over the conversation I've just had with Ari and of course, she said she was a trainee, that why I initially thought she wanted me to give her a job.

So what if it's the same Maya. She has a kid with someone now. She could be happily married by now. If it's her, why didn't she look for me? Should I look for her?

I toss and turn the whole night trying to figure out what to do. I need to find out who this Maya is. I hate that it's almost the weekend and I can't do anything about it. Instead of going crazy thinking about this, I decide to go home for the weekend. I will start, first thing Monday morning and my search for Maya will begin.



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