Chapter 31: Finally, the baby has arrived!!

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Monday came very quickly and as soon as I got into the office, I saw Edmond waiting for me, wearing his 'don't mess with me face'. Whatever he wanted to say, he was not going to give me a chance to argue.

"Good you're here." He said pushing a chair my way so I could sit.

"Good morning to you too." I say hoping to get a smile from him, he didn't even pretend to hear me.

"I have reduced your duties from now till 2 weeks before you're due. You will be taking leave after that to get ready for the baby. You will not be travelling to the airport anymore or anywhere for that matter. You will coordinate things from here, on paper. I will give you some of my paperwork so you have enough work. If you're not feeling well you let me know. You have a phone so use it. How far to go before you're due." He says pulling out a paper and pen.

"Ahh, exactly 5 weeks from today. I can still work till maybe the 39th week. I will do less work I promise." I plead with him. I need the money and I need him to let me work till the end.

"No, that's final. You finish off at the end of the 37th week. Now what day will that be?" He says counting the days on the calendar.

"Oh yes, Friday the 17th of February will be the last day. You will come back after 6 weeks maternity leave, on the week starting 24th of April. You will resume your usual duties. If anything has changed, I will be letting you know. I will make this official and draft the paperwork for you to sign." He says looking at me as if now giving me permission to speak.

"Ok." I agree not willing to say anything anymore. I can see that he has thought about it and I won't be changing his mind.

"I know you don't want to hear this now but we have to look after your baby. There is a high percentage of baby mortality deaths in the camps as it is and I will not let it happen on my watch. I won't risk your health or the baby's. We will take all precaution for you and the baby and this is the best I could think of." He says pushing his chair away, dismissing me without another a word.

I have nothing else to say. I have been bulldozed and even though I'm unhappy about how this was done, I am not angry about it. My bubs is still my main concern. At least Edmond made the decision for me, I don't have to do it myself.

There is not much that changes for the whole week. My family and Nora were happy to know that I will be at home before the baby is born. I am dreading spending the whole 2 weeks at home with nothing to do, I will go stir crazy.


Another week passes and it's getting harder and harder to do simple things. I can't wash my feet or shins anymore as it is proving hard to bend. On Saturdays, I have a special bath where I take a bucket, turn it upside down and sit on it so I can reach the other parts of my body that are normally harder to reach.

I have suddenly gained more weight and the baby is sitting really low, mainly on my bladder. His movements are no longer fluid and I can tell he has run out of space in there. I have also been experiencing the false labour pains a lot and sometimes they hurt so much they don't feel false at all.

On my visit to our local clinic this week, I met with the midwife who checked to see how the baby was going. She informed me that at this stage, just over 36 weeks, the baby is now considered full term and has moved down to the pelvic area ready to be born. She told me that the baby is now 'engaged in position', which sounds so final and scary for me. She encouraged me to get everything ready for the baby as anything can happen from here.

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