Meet Mr. Rich - Pt 2

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Knox's POV Part 2

Maya has been the happiest since I first saw her. Every time I see her she is glowing and she's always got that e-reader with her and tries to discuss the books she's read with me. That's the best compliment I've gotten from giving anyone a present. Last time I saw her she was talking about the book 'The long walk to Freedom' an autobiography by Nelson Mandela and she said she feels inspired to make a difference in people's lives now. She's let it out one day that she really wants to be a nurse, so she can help people hurting. She really is a beautiful woman inside and outside. Either that or I'm so sex starved that she's beginning to look like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

I've seen, dated and slept with the most gorgeous women, including models, actresses and all of them well-polished and buffed. Maya on the other hand, I don't know, ...Maya is a bit rough around the edges, she doesn't put on makeup, her hair is not straightened or glossy, she has unmaintained short nails, that are chipped, I think she either bites them or she has some kind of vitamin deficiency.

She doesn't wear the most expensive clothes, high heels or the latest fashion, infact I think all her clothes are either second hand or made from home and they have been repaired so many times you can't tell the original style. She seems to have a favourite blue dress that she always wears when she comes to look for me, or when we meet, or when she pretends to go shopping so she can check me out. Oh I know she's always looking for me when she's at the shops.

Sometimes I just disappear when the boys tell me she's around. She's beginning to unnerve me, stalkerish behaviour is not an attractive trait. Mike says I should just give her a good shag, because that's what she wants and she'll leave me alone after that.

I have to admit I've thought of doing just that so she gets over this infatuation she has with me but I'm just not that heartless. I'll be taking something special from her for a moment of thrills for me but what if it's different for her. I could just satisfy my needs by using a few of the girls that come into our camps looking for a good time with the men in a uniform, and earn a few dollars at the same time.

Mike has his regular that he's enjoying but I can't seem to get myself to do it. I'll have to give it one more try. I mean the other guys are starting to say I'm whipped and that I can't even get it up. These guys are brutal on my ego but I'm gonna have to show them I still have it.

Tonight I'll give one of these girls a try. I don't care which one. I just need to channel my bad boy and it'll be a piece of cake (right?).

How does one get ready for a one night stand in these parts of the world? Do I need to use my charms or is it just eye contact and we move out? I don't want to ask the boys, they'll have my balls and throw them to the dogs. Ok a list, I need to have condoms - (check), some money - (check). How much money though? Something just doesn't feel right though. I'm not as excited as I should be, I feel like I'm going to disappoint Maya. I tell myself that I HAVE to do this as she means nothing to me.

A few hours of talking myself in and out of this idea, I finally decide I'll do it. So here I am waiting for Mike to bring the girls so we can get this show on the road.

I see the girls and the one I'm supposed to be with looks like she's almost my age which makes me feel a little bit better. She's not bad looking but compared to Maya, she doesn't stand a chance. Now why am I comparing her to Maya?, geez she's stuck in my head like a bad song.

We walk away to a little private area, we talk for a while. I'm not as nervous as I was before and I think I'm ready for this. We look at each other's lips, move in and just as we start kissing, something just feels wrong and the girl, (I think she said her name was Nora), feels it too. She looks worried and she says in a whisper, ''we try again?'' It got better with more practice. And before we knew it, I was like a well-oiled machine, just like getting back on a bike, back in my grove and feeling like my old self. My body was beginning to like the attention and soon enough heat started spreading to my nether regions. By the time we were undressed we were both sweating, nothing like a bit of sweat to make things slippery and interesting. I sheath my member, which incidentally is about to make me a very happy person.

I was so ready, we were so ready. I could see the girl (Nora) squirming and making noises and licking her lips under my touch, and I hadn't even done much yet. Just as I'm about to do it, Maya's face flush in my mind and I groan and try to focus on the girl whose breasts are spilling out of my hands, but I keep wondering how all this could feel if it was Maya's body under me. My penis gives up eventually when my brain fails to cooperate with it and starts to droop. I try again kissing and touching but Nora's efforts and mine are fruitless.

I look at her and she looks at me with pity in her eyes. I try and explain to her that this has never happened to me before, I'm normally a stud in bed. I mean I could give her references if she doubted me. She puts on her clothes and I feel terrible for her and for me. I'm frustrated that even in her absence, Maya has just ruined my game and my libido. What if she's broken me for life?

I pull out some money from my wallet and give it to Nora. I don't even count how much it is. I'm just so embarrassed and frustrated at the same time. I pull my clothes on and decide to take a walk. I better go find the girl who's torturing me in my dreams and reality and I am going to bang her, chivalry be damned. I'll take her virginity if I have to, otherwise I'll die of blue balls.

Man this place just keeps getting worse for me.

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