Chapter 20: Meanwhile in America...

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Meanwhile.........Knox's POV

Since I got back from Africa, life has definitely changed. For starters, my father and I are in a good place. My family is getting along and businesses are ticking along just fine. Once I returned to the States, I was stationed at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, pushing paper for 2 months until my term in the army was finished. I then accepted an honourable discharge. The nerve of these people, they even tried to get me to re-enlist. Maybe I'd have given it two seconds of thought if my relationship with the army didn't end up sour. They did offer me more benefits but I'm done with the army. I have achieved what I set out to do. I got straightened out and I can see the direction I want my life to take more clearly now. I even gave up all my so called friends from before just so I can have a clean start.

Speaking of friends, I've been thinking of Mike lately. I haven't been a good friend to him at all. Since I left, I have been really slack in checking my emails. I've only emailed him twice and nothing of interest was going on there, just the same as I left it. I did ask him to check on Maya once in a while. He said she seemed fine and that was that. That was the last time I made an effort to check my personal email. With thoughts of Mike, my mind wanders to a girl who has invaded most of my dreams even when I'm this far away from her. I don't think of her as much as I did the first few weeks I got back. Once in a while I wake up with a hard on and my first thoughts are always of Maya. I end up getting rid of it either by doing the job myself or finding a one night stand to do it. I've only resorted to the second option twice, no more.

I could just as easily get myself a girlfriend and have this issue with the hard on sorted, but I just don't have the time or energy to give to someone at this time. Maybe one day in the future when things settle down. I know that if I had stayed in Sousu for a longer time and gotten to know Maya a bit more, maybe our relationship would have developed to something deeper. I am attracted to her. She's a good looking girl, I like the attraction we have for each other. Sex with Maya was explosive and will be hard for another girl to surpass. My relationship with Maya was a bit intense when I was there, but ever since I came back, what I felt for her has been slowly fading to just memories. I tend to think of her the most when my dick is in need of attention. I always wonder what it'd be like to have those full plump lips on my penis, I guess I missed out on that one. I do remember however, how her little body would move underneath me. It wasn't just about being rhythmic together, it was much more, she'd wriggle her waist and hips varying the speed, lift her pert bottom whilst moving to the pace we created. I do miss that. Ok I should stop thinking about her now because my dick is definitely getting hard and I don't have time to attend to it right now.

Sometimes I'm glad that I left the way I did. I think if I stayed longer, Maya would have fallen deeper in love with me and I wouldn't have felt the same for her. In the end the army did it for me, I didn't have to break her heart. But then, I'd have wanted to have more sex with Maya. She's probably found someone by now. She's too pretty to be single. I do feel jealous for the guy who is going to be receiving all that amazing sex. He'll be in for the ride of his life.

Today I decided that I'd check my private email account and maybe open up a new one. Really this one is used by people from my old life, my so called friends mainly and I'm trying to cut them out of my life. In the beginning they'd call and emailed and when they realised that I wasn't responding, some got the hint and stopped. A few are still trying their luck, inviting me to parties and reminiscing on the old days. I don't even care about the old days. It all seems so lame now. I mean, how did they even know I was back? I started getting emails the very first week I returned home. It's like they monitor my movements. I didn't announce it to the world. I have been staying out of the paparazzi's way.

I'll go in, get Mike's email address and close the account.

I will give Mike my new email address and my work address. I've decided I really want to keep in contact with the guys from my team. It's always good to be in connection with people that have a good influence on you. I try not to give people my work address as my secretary has access to this. Yes you read it right. I am now working under my dad. I have also resumed my studies, but not in Architecture, I've taken up business studies. I still have a passion for architecture but I also need to be helping my family with the business. I can't just be the one to spend the profits when I haven't done any work to deserve it.

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