Chapter 51: The Talk part 2

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Please remember,  if the title doesn't say someone's POV, it means it's Maya's.

The lunch with Knox was by far the most uncomfortable thing I've had to do. I am however glad that I have finally told him about Aiden. I've always feared that he would reject his son but he didn't. He didn't even question his paternity. I like that about Knox but I dread the way forward.

After lunch I came to work and I started looking to see exactly what managerial role Knox holds. I hated myself for not having done enough research in the past weeks. I got the second greatest shock of the week. The first was actually seeing him and now, he is the freaking COO. They don't get higher than that, unless you're the owner. They own a number of hotels in and out of the country. How did I not know this?

No wonder Knox was adamant he can pay for Aiden's care. This does pose another problem for me. What if Knox wants to keep Aiden? Yesterday I was comforted by the fact that he may be still in the army and now I know he is not in the army anymore, it definitely changes things.

As soon as I get home. I give my son his kiss and cuddle and go straight to my room to call Nora. I'm aware that it's almost four o'clock in the morning in Pretoria but I cannot wait. I call her and she doesn't sound happy to be woken up at such an early hour.

I didn't waste time, I just dive into my problems. I really need my best friend.

"It's bad Nora. I really wish you were here." I say almost in tears.

"So you saw Knox, did he mistreat you?" She asks.

"No, he was actually nice. A bit forceful but not horrible." I respond trying to think of how I can convert my feelings into words.

"He now knows about Aiden, he didn't even look shocked or doubt that I may be making it up. Who does that?" I ask getting agitated.

"Let me get this straight. You are upset because he didn't question the paternity of his son. Doesn't that mean he trusts you?" Nora asks chuckling on the other end.

"Arrgh you don't get it. I think I wanted him to be mean so I can have a reason to hate him. I am afraid he will want to take Aiden from me. Nora they have too much money. He can easily do it." I say squeaking into the phone, trying to hold my tears in.

"If he had said no, he doesn't believe Aiden is his, I would have been unhappy for a little while, but I would have forgotten about it and keep my baby to myself." I explain to my friend.

"Aha, so you wanted him to reject Aiden so you can have him all to yourself. And you... not have contact with Knox again." Nora asks.

"Kinda." I respond feeling stupid.

"From what you have said so far, Knox is still a good guy. You can work something out that will work for Aiden. You will have to work together." She sighs.

"You still have feelings for him don't you? That explains it. You are afraid if you spend time with him, you will start to feel strongly for him and right now, you'd rather push him away and label him the bad guy. It's easier that way isn't it?" Nora adds with another chuckle. I hate that she knows me so well.

"I don't know Nora. I worked so hard without him. I don't want him to just waltz back into our lives and take over. I don't want to like him again. I am making something of myself on my own. My son is doing ok, he doesn't need too much. I want him to learn that hard work pays and not to be given everything and be fed by a golden spoon. I know that will literary happen with Knox in the picture." I sob into the phone.

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