Unexpected gift

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Another month passes by no word about my dad, that's 2 months he's been missing for now. Mr Phiri has been suspiciously quiet and Jason hasn't bothered me besides a greeting here and there. He almost seems like a different person, but I'm not fooled easily, and I don't put my guard down around him. We have a saying here, 'a leopard will never change its prints'.

I think of my dad every day, where he is, what they're doing to him, is he alive, dead, suffering? We're definitely starting to feel the effect of not having dad at home. Mum has lost so much weight. I think she may be suicidal, she doesn't eat, doesn't talk much except to tell us what to do. I'm getting worried.

Knox has been a constant support in this time. I've seen him a number of times and each time we talk I feel closer to him. I am attracted to him, I can't deny it. He on the other hand doesn't seem to be affected in any way. I mean, I've even touched his arm, and I've accidentally rubbed his arms on numerous accounts and he doesn't seem bothered at all. Maybe he sees me as his sister... 'AARRRGH'' it's frustrating.

Knox reminds me on every occasion that he's breaking protocol by seeing me and going around on his own. He's afraid one day he won't be able to meet with me if he's caught. I think they know about him they just haven't pulled him in for it.

Today Knox tells me he has a surprise for me and instead of sitting where we normally sit, we walk a little further to a secluded, almost hidden place. I couldn't help but notice his height that he is about 6'2'' feet tall to my 5'6'' feet. I look quite short walking next to him.

''How old are you Knox?'' I ask hoping, he was closer to my age.

''Why do you want to know?'' He asks.

'' Oh you know, just making conversation''.

''I'm too old for you if that's why you want to know.'' he chuckles.

''No, that's not it, I just wanted to know.'' I was so embarrassed I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole.

''It's ok Maya, I'm 24.''

''Oh ok.'' 6 years older then, I can work with that. I think to myself.

''Well I'm 18 and an adult now,'' I say grinning from ear to ear.

''Are you married?'' I ask seriously but he just throws his head back and laughs. I do feel a bit offended.

''No Maya, I'm not married. I'm not a relationship kind of guy. I just don't want to be tied down when there's a whole lot of other fish out there. Plus, it's hard to have a relationship when I'm never in one place. Maybe when I finish, retire or when I'm too old to play around, I could try. I'm ok with getting companionship from ladies though wherever I go, just no attachments. Does that satisfy your curiosity?''

I don't know what I expected but that's not what I wanted to hear. I think he notices that I'm not impressed with his answer so he changes the topic.

''Anyway I have something to give you,'' he says grinning.

At this time I don't care what he has for me, that grin just makes him even more handsome. I didn't think he could be anymore handsome but I was wrong. He has a body and face that is a gift to any woman. He is 'all that'.

He pulls out a squarish package wrapped up in butchers paper and he says, ''I remembered your hobby, open it up. I hope you like it?''

When I opened the present up, I didn't know what I was looking at, but whatever it was I was going to cherish it because it was from Knox.

I think he realised I didn't know what I was looking at because he laughed and said, '' it's an E-reader. See, ''he switches it on and I can see rows and rows of books. Now I'm excited. I can't wait to use it.

Knox spend the next hour and a bit teaching me how to use it and I'm just so excited I jump into his arms and I'm glad he was paying attention otherwise I'd have hit the floor hard.

I kept saying ''thank you, thank you'', and at first his response was ''you're welcome''. After a while he just chuckles. His chuckle makes me realise that I've been in his arms for a while now and I look into his eyes and I think he has also realised the same thing. We just fit. I move my head next to his. I just want to feel his skin touch mine. I rub my cheek on his prickly beard and whisper thank you in his ear. He turns his head slightly as if to ask me what I'm doing, I turn my face to look at him because I just want to see his reaction. Our lips touch for a brief moment and there's definitely electricity there. No one moves for a while, Knox seems surprised at this new development and he moves his head away quickly and lets me down gently. I'm not ready to let him dismiss me yet so I keep holding onto his shirt front and burrowing into his body.

''Maya you can let go now,'' he says trying to get control. I can hear it from his gruff voice that he's as affected as I am and I take this as an invitation to try again. I stand on my tippee toes and plant my lips on his. I'm not experienced in kissing and so I just move my tongue a little, tasting his closed lips until I hear a growl coming from him and he opens his mouth and takes charge from then on. With his tongue he pries my mouth open a bit more and before I know it, I'm following everything he does and we're making noises that I'm glad no one can hear. After a while, Knox regains his control and clears his throat.

''Wow ok, ahh, I hope you enjoy the books. I'm sorry for kissing you like that I don't know what came over me.'' He actually blushes.

Yep that one statement dampened the mood. I was hoping for a, ''wow, let's do that again.'' Was I really that bad and did he make those noises or did I imagine it? Was he enjoying the kisses or were they frustration noises? Oh my goodness, I may have embarrassed myself to a point of no return.

Before I leave, I shout ''Ok see you later, thank you for the e-reader. And for your own peace of mind I wanted to kiss you, I've been wanting to do that for a long time and I think I'll do it again and unlike you, I won't apologise for it.'' I leave him dumbfounded and I run home.

That was the beginning of our forbidden relationship with stolen kisses here and there. Knox was a bit resistant at first but I wore him down and after a few tries, he was the one initiating the kisses, the hand holding and a few times our hands roamed each other's bodies. We never pushed the boundaries to touching each other with no clothes though. I could feel the planes of his body through his clothes and I liked everything I felt. I think touching without seeing is like being in the dark or having your sense of sight taken from you. My mind went into overdrive just imagining what Knox was like under those clothes.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Where stories live. Discover now